Jawed Anwar WOULD Mr. Donald Trump’s MAGA (Make America Great Again) plan be successful? The answer is both yes and no. It is conditional. First, we must understand what makes a nation great.
IN the United States, criticism of the government, military, and state policies is not only tolerated but often encouraged as a hallmark of democracy. However, when it comes to Israel, the same principles of free speech do not seem to apply. Criticizing Israel in America is frequently labeled as "antisemitism," and those who do so risk serious consequences from both the government and institutions. All of America's proclaimed values—democracy, human rights, free speech, liberty, freedom of expression, justice, equality, rule of law, individual rights, civil liberties, fairness, diversity, tolerance, religious freedom, and human dignity—appear to be disregarded when the subject of Israel arises.
Jawed Anwar OTTAWA has changed the guard. The new Prime Minister is Mark Carney. Justin Trudeau has left the same filthy legacy for the nation that Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne left for Ontario. I wrote an open letter to Justin Trudeau on July 21, 2023, offering well-intentioned advice. I urge him to read it again—now he has plenty of time to reflect and ponder.
Jawed Anwar MARK Carney won the Liberal party of Canada leadership. In his victory speech, he targeted U.S. President Donald Trump and Canada’s Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. Carney, 59, stated that the country faces “the greatest crisis of our lifetime.” To address the challenge posed by Trump’s tariffs, he vowed to impose dollar-for-dollar retaliatory measures to have “maximum impact in the United States and minimum impact here in Canada.” We are 100% with you, Mr. Carney, on the trade war with the USA. We commend you. However, frankly speaking, we are 100% with Donald Trump on his two-gender policy: male and female. Mr. Trump’s policy aligns with God, nature, and science. His gender policy is consistent with all religions and civilizations of both the past and present.
Jawed Anwar Children are being taken away from their mothers' laps and fathers' embraces to be handed over to Fahish same-sex couples. First, children will be gradually confused regarding gender, and then they will be sexually deviant. Once this fruit is ripe, their parents will turn out to be Fahish groups and organizations, and the parents will realize this much later. Eventually, these children will be handed over to a Fahish society. I am raising my voice, constantly giving the call, informing you, explaining to you. Pay attention to this. Don’t delay too much. If such a tragedy befalls anyone in your community or the nation, you will deeply regret it.
Jawed Anwar Canada's educational system has become the worst educational system in human history, and there is no exaggeration in this statement. There have been many political leaders in Canada with an Fahish lifestyle who represent the Fahish community. One notable name is Kathleen Wynne of the Ontario Liberal Party. Although she is now out of politics due to her sheer incompetence, it is essential to understand her and her support base because she is the initiator of all Fahish laws in Canada. She was Ontario's first openly lesbian politician. Initially, she married a man with whom she had three children, but later she became a lesbian. In 2005, her spouse became a woman. She married Jane Rounthwaite in 2005. Kathleen Wynne's electoral district was Don Valley West, Toronto.
Jawed Anwar IN 2012, a bill was introduced in the Ontario Legislative Assembly by Cheri DiNovo, an MPP from the NDP. It was named Bill 33, which became an act in the same year and was titled: Toby’s Act (Right to be Free from Discrimination and Harassment Because of Gender Identity or Gender Expression), 2012. Toby Dancer was a transgender woman activist, and this law was named after her. Toby’s Act, created by the Ontario Assembly, altered the Ontario Human Rights Code. It added "gender identity and gender expression" after "sexual orientation" wherever the rights of men and women were mentioned. In Fahish laws and rules, gender identity is fundamentally different from an individual’s sexual orientation. What is this? Fahish explains that it is an individual's unique and internal experience of gender.
Jawed Anwar In my previous columns, I mentioned that the current Fahisha movement is not limited to the practice of the people of Lot but has introduced an entirely new gender theory. On July 20, 2005, same-sex marriage became a federal law in Canada. However, even before that, eight out of ten provinces and one of the three union territories had already legalized same-sex marriage through court decisions. These included Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and the union territory of Yukon. The journey began in Ontario, whose capital is Toronto.
Jawed Anwar DONALD Trump declared that the state policy of the United States of America would recognize only two genders, male and female. There will be no room for any third gender. We need a leadership in Canada that should adopt a similar state policy. There can be no compromise or alternative to this. Once the principle of two God-given genders is accepted as state policy, all gender-related laws will automatically revert to their original and natural state. Society will realign itself with haya.
A new struggle has begun between the people of Fahisha and the people of Haya. The real objective behind the spread of Fahisha is population control. A satanic and dajjali group aims to destroy humanity in every sense—population-wise, politically, economically, morally, and spiritually. Human beings, the most precious creation of this universe, is under attack by Shaitan. He seeks to alter its natural being and God-assigned gender.
Look beyond these four major parties. If you find a candidate who aligns with your global and social concerns, vote for them—even if they have no or little chance of winning. Ensure they have openly stood with you on all these issues, not just in private conversations at your home, dining table, coffee shop, or on phone.
Content analysis of the war’s first six weeks found that coverage by the New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times had a steeply dehumanizing slant toward Palestinians. The three papers “disproportionately edmphasized Israeli deaths in the conflict” and “used emotive language to describe the killings of Israelis, but not Palestinians,” a stuy by The Intercept showed. “The term ‘slaughter’ was used by editors and reporters to describe the killing of Israelis versus Palestinians 60 to 1, and ‘massacre’ was used to describe the killing of Israelis versus Palestinians 125 to 2. ‘Horrific’ was used to describe the killing of Israelis versus Palestinians 36 to 4.”
Kevin Barrett writes: The psychopathic genocidal criminal organization that calls itself “Israel” announced a few hours ago that it had killed Yahyah Sinwar, the heroic resistance fighter who masterminded and led the heroic anti-terrorist anti-genocide operation a year ago. Whether or not the news is true, this is a good time to celebrate the astonishing courage and genius of Sinwar, who will likely go down in history as the man most responsible for the annihilation of genocidal Zionism and the liberation of Palestine.
Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) hosted a comprehensive one-day program titled “Ideological Analysis of the LGBTQ+ Movement” on Sunday, August 18. Leading intellectuals and scholars at the event made presentations based on multidimensional analysis of the LGBTQ+ movement in ideological, psychological, medical, and sociopolitical perspectives. Syed Sadatullah Husaini, JIH President spoke on ‘Islamic Paradigm and LGBTQ+ Discourse,’ representing the holistic view of Islam pertaining to the LGBTQ+ movement. He further said that today's gathering is merely a beginning for discussing this sensitive issue, and, in the near future, more comprehension and debate regarding this matter shall follow.
PARENTS’ CONFERENCE @ IPC Jame Masjid, Mississauga Sunday, July 21, 2024