Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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LGBTQ+ Movement is a Threat to Family Structure and Protection of Children's Rights - Ameer Jamaat Islami Hind

Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) hosted a comprehensive one-day program titled “Ideological Analysis of the LGBTQ+ Movement” on Sunday, August 18. Leading intellectuals and scholars at the event made presentations based on multidimensional analysis of the LGBTQ+ movement in ideological, psychological, medical, and sociopolitical perspectives. Syed Sadatullah Husaini, JIH President spoke on ‘Islamic Paradigm and LGBTQ+ Discourse,’ representing the holistic view of Islam pertaining to the LGBTQ+ movement. He further said that today's gathering is merely a beginning for discussing this sensitive issue, and, in the near future, more comprehension and debate regarding this matter shall follow.

PARENTS’ CONFERENCE 2024 @ IPC Jame Masjid, Mississauga

PARENTS’ CONFERENCE @ IPC Jame Masjid, Mississauga Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sensitive Curriculum Information Letter - Muslim Family

Sensitive-Curriculum-Information-Letter---Muslim-Family FORM to submit to the Principal and Teacher

Stand Against Fahisha in Public Schools

Stand Against Fahisha in Public Schools Nationwide School Walk-Out June 3 to 7

Ontario Parents: Keep Your Kids Home June 3 to 7 and Reach Out to Your MPPs and PC Leadership Now

Please keep your kids home on June 3rd and join the movement to protect our children from Fahisha (perverted gender and sex ideology). Remove Sex and Gender Education: Request the removal of sex and gender education from the school system, curriculum, and celebrations. Suggest that schools focus solely on academic subjects such as Math, Science, and Language. The primary responsibility for gender and sex education should rest with parents and religious teachers. Education Vouchers Policy: Ask for the allocation of education vouchers, which are funded by your tax money, to parents. This would give parents the flexibility to manage their children's alternative education/schooling. Your engagement and communication with your MPP can make a significant impact. Let your voice be heard on these crucial matters affecting your children's education.

Using Islamophobia Card to Promote Fahisha

FOR the past 20 years in Canada, we've seen politicians meeting with leaders of Islamic centers, including office bearers, board members, Amirs, religious directors, and presidents of Islamic organizations, as well as Muslim advocacy groups. They try to persuade these leaders that to stop Islamophobia, they should refrain from speaking against Fahisha. Additionally, they are encouraged to justify every act and style of Fahisha in the name of social justice, human rights, inclusivity, diversity, and being woke.

Promoting Fahisha Camouflaging with Social Justice, Human Rights, Inclusiveness, and Diversity

Fahisha; any shameful deed, sexual disorientation, gender apostasy, gender change, or gender fluidity is an extremely offensive act. It is against God, nature, humanity, society, and civilization. No religion or civilization in the world, past or present, has ever accepted it. This lifestyle halts the progress of the human race. It is the mass killing of human beings before birth. It corrupts both the physical and spiritual life of a person.

PC Ontario Budget: Our Two Points Suggestions on Education

1. Remove Sex and Gender Education and Celebration from the Public School System and Curriculum. Public schools should concentrate solely on academic subjects like math, science, and language. The main responsibility for sex and gender education should lie with parents and religious teachers. 2. Education Vouchers Policy:

Liberal’s Pharmacare Plan: Helping to Kill Babies Before Birth

THE Federal Liberal government has introduced a bill in parliament for Pharmacare legislation, fulfilling a key commitment to the NDP to garner support for the Liberal minority government. However, a significant aspect of pharmacare will be directed towards birth control and population management, and killing babies before birth.

Watch: Why COVID after COVID Vaccination

Watch Dr. Saben Hazen, MD's presentation to understand how Venture Capitalists, Big Pharma and governments misled the public about the COVID vaccine and why people still contracted COVID after vaccination.

Bill C-63: If You Will Keep Silence Now, You Will be Silenced Forever

Review of the Bill C-63: KEEPING silence on evil is also an evil. The destroyed nation of Lut (A.S.) includes all those who kept silent on the evil. All those who were saved from the wrath of God and destruction were only those who were supporting Lut (A.S.) and actively involved with him in stopping the evil (Quranic responsibility of nahyu ʿani-l-munkar).

Gender Identity Issue: New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Ontario

By Jawed Anwar As believers, we affirm the binary nature of gender and the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. Attempts to change gender are morally and spiritually consequential, affecting the well-being of humanity.

Pakistan: Things to Fix List

Things to fix in Pakistan: 1- Civilization Slavery 2. Injustice (Lack of Adl) 3. Education 4. Economy (Eradication of Riba) 5.  Language 6. Electoral System 7. Constitution

Parents, Act Now: This Weekend's PC Policy Conference – Reach Out to Your PC MPPs

Dear Parents, The Ontario PC Party Policy Conference is happening this weekend, from Friday, February 2 to Saturday, in Niagara Falls. Now is the perfect time to reach out to your PC MPPs and express your concerns as parents regarding public schooling.

W.H.O. :Leave Kids Alone

Stop WHO's Project: Prioritize Children and Young Adults' Health! The WHO is pushing a dangerous agenda, and we need to act NOW! Just days before Christmas, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced plans to develop guidelines on “the health of trans and gender diverse people”.


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