Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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Alternate Education

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Madrasa 8: The Curriculum
Madrasa 8: The Curriculum
22 June 2012
Views: 1048

SYED JAWED ANWAR WESTERN secular education is directed at the gathering of information. In contrast, Islamic scholars and educators consider the main purpose of education to be the character building. Therefore, fashioning each child with good etiquette and polishing the character was the focus of the primary education.

Madrasa 18: Pakistan
Madrasa 18: Pakistan
22 June 2012
Views: 1264

SYED JAWED ANWAR MUSLIMS had their comprehensive education system during the period of their rule in India. The system was uniform, cohesive, and provided the people with in-depth knowledge with a holistic look in different fields of life. When British occupied India, they ruined the economy of Muslim education, de-educated the masses and massacred the intellectuals. After a gap of about a century, a small group of people was educated under the new policy of British educationalist Lord Macaulay in 1835. Th

Madrasa 16 & 17: Efforts of Merger of Two Systems
Madrasa 16 & 17: Efforts of Merger of Two Systems
22 June 2012
Views: 1108

SYED JAWED ANWAR VARIOUS efforts have been made to merge the two systems --secular, Western education and Islamic education in India-- but unfortunately most of them failed. Here are two examples:

Madrasa 15: Deoband and Its Movement
Madrasa 15: Deoband and Its Movement
22 June 2012
Views: 1274

SYED JAWED ANWAR AFTER British occupation, India was in a situation in which financial resources were completely under control of the new government and it was extremely unfavorable to run an Islamic educational institution. There was a danger of discontinuation of Imams and educators of Qur’an, Hadith and Fiqah. A group decided to establish institutions in which Imams and Mudarris (teachers) could be continuously produced. This group decided to separate itself from the affairs of politics and business a

Madrasa 14: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Aligarh
Madrasa 14: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Aligarh
22 June 2012
Views: 1391

SYED JAWED ANWAR DURING the complete destruction and occupation of India under British rule in 1857, over 7,000 Muslim scholars and educationists were executed, and the rest were deported or forced to leave. This left an abnormal situation in which to revive the Muslim education system. The only alternative for remaining Muslims was to adjust and compromise as they accepted the harsh reality that Muslims were eliminated from government, politics, business, and education and that the Muslims of greatest ge

Madrasa 13: The Complete Destruction
Madrasa 13: The Complete Destruction
22 June 2012
Views: 1199

SYED JAWED ANWAR WHEN the British first started controlling India, Muslims were the ruling power and the heart and mind of the society. They held intellectual and physical superiority over other communities. Therefore, the British East India Company instigated a policy to humiliate and degrade Muslims from all spheres of life. Governor General George Hilario Barlow (ruled from 1805 to 1807), in his letter to Lord Willington, wrote “I can’t shut my eyes to the fact that this race [Muslims] is basically

Madrasa 12: Western Educated Ulemas, Mullahs and Maulvis
Madrasa 12: Western Educated Ulemas, Mullahs and Maulvis
22 June 2012
Views: 1167

SYED JAWED ANWAR IN GENERAL, people think that English and Western Education started in India after the British occupation and after the educational movement of Muslim scholars (for example, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan) who cooperated the British occupiers. Historically, however, this notion is not accurate. Several British historians have noted that only few nations throughout history can match the educational tradition that Indian Muslims had. The scholars of Muslim India were always trying to learn every knowl

Madrasa 11: Business and Technology
Madrasa 11: Business and Technology
22 June 2012
Views: 1092

SYED JAWED ANWAR MUSLIMS had intellectual, moral, geographical, scientific, and industrial superiority and vast human and natural resources over the West before Muslim lands were occupied by Western powers. The West had no edge over the Muslim world other than that attributed to political and military conspiracy, lies, deception, and propaganda --all fueled by disinformation and misinformation. With no concept of selfish nationalism, Muslims allowed Western companies, businessmen, and professionals in

Madrasa 10: Medical Education
Madrasa 10: Medical Education
22 June 2012
Views: 1059

SYED JAWED ANWAR DISEASE is of such concern among human beings that, from the beginning, Allah gave some prophets healing ability in the form of miracles so that the prophets would be recognized as legitimate, thereby validating their warnings of the hereafter. Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was given the capability to cure the blind and the leper (Al-Quran 5:110). Prophet Muhammad (saw) was given the knowledge of how to protect the body and to live a healthy life; and his wife Hazrath Aisha r.a, became a medical

Madrasa 9: Women's Education
Madrasa 9: Women's Education
22 June 2012
Views: 1346

SYED JAWED ANWAR “…Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have knowledge…” (Al-Qur'an 35: 28). “They will further say: "Had we but listened or used our intelligence, we should not (now) be among the people of the Blaze” (67: 10). “…Say: ‘Lord, increase me in knowledge’” (20: 114). Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said, “The search for knowledge is a duty for every Muslim man and woman,” and, “Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.”

Madrasa 7: The Education System
Madrasa 7: The Education System
22 June 2012
Views: 1066

JAWED ANWAR BEFORE the British occupation in South Asia, there were various types of Madrasahs readily available for students. There were the Arabic Madrasahs (specializing in deeni and religious education), Farsi Madrasahs (specializing in worldly education), and Mahajani Madrasahs (specializing in commerce).

Madrasa 6: The Economy
Madrasa 6: The Economy
22 June 2012
Views: 1059

JAWED ANWAR WHEN Muslims ruled India, their government never established a separate education department and never appointed salaried teachers. Already established was a tradition where the kings, rulers, and affluent citizens had to establish educational institutions. This system was facilitated with the intention of thawab (as a deed to receive rewards in the life hereafter).

Madrasa 5: The History
Madrasa 5: The History
22 June 2012
Views: 1054

JAWED ANWAR IN his last khutbah (speech), the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad ï·º, addressed "(Listen) Haven't I conveyed Allah's message to you?" We replied, "Yes," He said, "O Allah! Be witness (for it). So it is incumbent upon those who are present to convey it (this message of mine) to those who are absent because the informed one might comprehend what I have said better than the present audience who will convey it to him."

Madrasa 4: The Student
Madrasa 4: The Student
22 June 2012
Views: 1057

JAWED ANWAR THE student is the central part of the Islamic education system. It is the students' responsibility to acquire compulsory education. As a vicegerent of Allah, human beings have to play a significant role on this earth to establish and maintain peace and justice, among other things.

Madrasa 3: The Teacher
Madrasa 3: The Teacher
22 June 2012
Views: 1073

JAWED ANWAR The role of the teacher in the Islamic Education System is pivotal. First, Allah requires us to seek knowledge actively. Remained ignorant is closer to sin. Second, educating and sharing knowledge is Sunnah (tradition of the Prophet). "Narrated Abu Huraira R.A.: that the Messenger of Allah (ï·º) said: "Whoever is asked about some knowledge that he knows, then he conceals it, he will be bridled with a bridle of fire." Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2649