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Canada: Fahisha & Haya Movement

Canada: Fahisha & Haya Movement

Jawed Anwar

DONALD Trump declared that the state policy of the United States of America would recognize only two genders, male and female.

There will be no room for any third gender.

We need a leadership in Canada that should adopt a similar state policy. There can be no compromise or alternative to this.

Once the principle of two God-given genders is accepted as state policy, all gender-related laws will automatically revert to their original and natural state. Society will realign itself with haya.

I have often told my companions in the Haya Movement that our movement should not be limited to schools and children but should address the Fahisha culture prevailing in society as a whole, ensuring the safety of all individuals —men, women, young people, and children.

In my previous column, I discussed terminologies and mentioned how the Fahisha movement that started with “L” and “G” in its acronym later adopted the seven colors of the rainbow as its symbol and flag.

They claimed these seven colors represent their Fahish movement, linking them to seven forms of gender. However, now that the number of gender and sexual orientations has far exceeded seven, we humbly suggest that you change your symbol.

The rainbow no longer fits you, as it confines you to only seven colors. Moreover, the rainbow is a symbol of hope and life, while your culture of Fahisha aims to end life in this world.

We have decided to use the term Fahisha, a Quranic term, as a counter to all such terminologies.

In Canada, this disease is as old as it is in the rest of the world, but here it has taken on its most extreme form.

Through legislation, Canadian society and culture have been transformed.

Fahish culture is promoted on a massive scale through schools, libraries, books, storybooks, cartoons, movies, advertisements, street and stage shows, without any restrictions. Here, Fahisha functions as a cult.

Regarding homosexuality, the Quran bears witness that no nation before the people of Lot (peace be upon him) ever committed such an act.

As you know, the people of Lot (peace be upon him) faced divine punishment, a punishment unlike any other in history. They were subjected to three forms of destruction:

  1. stones rained down upon them from the sky,
  2. the ground swallowed them; earthquake,
  3. and a tsunami submerged their lands under seawater.

The region where they lived in East Jordan, sunk into Dead Sea. There were three groups among them:

 1. Those who committed this sin.

2.Those who did not commit it but either did not consider it wrong or remained silent spectators despite knowing it was wrong.

 3.Those who actively struggled to stop it.

 When Allah's punishment came, the first two groups were destroyed, while only the third group survived.

Among them, only Prophet Lot (peace be upon him) and his family were saved,  except his wife, as she belonged to the second group.

 Here in Canada, our Fahish compatriots tell us, “Go back to your country.”

However, the story of Lot (p.b.u.h.) shows that only those will remain here who follow the way of Prophet Lot (Peace be Upon Him) and engage in enjoining good and forbidding evil.

My brothers and sisters! This is a very serious issue. We must examine ourselves as individuals and collectively.

Look at the organizations, Jamaah, and circles you are associated with—where do they stand regarding enjoining good and forbidding evil? Because we will all be raised alongside our groups. If we escape accountability in this world, we will not escape it in the Hereafter.

Ask about your leaders, prominent Muslim and Islamic leadership, and your favorite imams— what have they done and are doing regarding this matter?

Another crucial point unknown to our community and people back home is that this Fahisha movement originating from the West has far surpassed the nation of Lot.

For instance, Among the people of Lot, 1. there was no concept of gender confusion or gender perversion.  There was no gender fluidity or the crisis of constantly changing genders.

2. They all accepted that genders were only two—male or female. There was no third gender. Homosexuality still regarded it as a sinful act. Those who did not engage in called themselves chaste (pure).

“And ˹remember˺ when Lot scolded ˹the men of˺ his people, ˹saying,˺ “Do you commit a shameful deed that no man has ever done before? You lust after men instead of women! You are certainly transgressors.” But his people’s only response was to say, “Expel them from your land! They are a people who wish to remain chaste!” (Quran: Sura 7 Ayat 80 to 82)

3.There was no concept of common-law partners or marriages between two men or two women. There were no traditions of two moms or two dads.

4.There was no practice of indoctrination of the innocent minds of young children on sex and gender.

5.  There were not perverted ideas about gender and sex.

In these respects, modern-day sexual deviants and gender apostates are far more dangerous than the people of Lot. They pose a massive threat to human existence and have crossed the red line of destruction.

The Fahisha movement in Canada is more than 75 years old. The details of what they have done during this period are extensive, and we will not delve into them now.

First, we will examine how this Fahisha movement secured the passage of same-sex marriage laws in the Canadian Federal Parliament and how they enacted and implemented additional laws at federal and provincial levels to promote these relationships among children and adults.

We will also discuss how our entire Muslim and Islamic community, other religious groups, and Asian communities have remained indifferent, passive and negligent on this issue.

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