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Gender Change Therapy to 14 yr Old without Parents' Consent

Gender Change Therapy to 14 yr Old without Parents' Consent

By Tanya Granic Allen, President PAFE

A few weeks ago PAFE told you about a B.C. Supreme Court judge ruling that a 14-year-old child has the capacity to consent to their own medical treatments.

This meant the child, named “AB” by the courts, was able to receive hormone injections to “transition,” despite the efforts of the child’s father to block the treatments.

More details are coming to light about this case.

It turns out that Dr. Wallace Wong, the psychologist who labeled AB as “transgender” and who testified in court, was recently caught on videotape advising parents gathered at a talk at a Vancouver public library to exaggerate the seriousness of their child’s situation to get transgender treatment more quickly, including making fake suicide threats: “Pull a stunt. Suicide, every time, [then] they will give you what you need…”

Further, Dr. Wong, when describing the scope of his children-only “gender therapy” practice, noted that he has a client under three years old as well as over 500 orphans and foster kids in his local practice. Apparently, in 2010 he only had a few wards of the state as clients; now, he has over 500!

This is the “expert” the court listened to in the case of AB and who was instrumental in blocking the parental rights of AB’s father.

AB’s father is not giving up without a fight. He has launched a complaint against Dr. Wong with the College of Psychologists of British Columbia for unethically and unprofessionally leading his child to seek and obtain gender reassignment hormones. He is also appealing the court’s decision.

A pro-family organization in B.C., Culture Guard, is asking B.C. Premier John Horgan to investigate why a controversial psychologist like Dr. Wallace Wong has been given access to over 500 of B.C.’s most vulnerable children.

Meanwhile, at the UK’s main clinic for treating children with gender dysphoria five staff have quit over concerns children as young as three are going through unnecessary gender reassignment treatment in “unregulated live experiments on children.”

Yet governments in B.C. and Ontario persist in pushing unscientific “gender identity theory” onto children in the school system.

In Ontario Education Minister Lisa Thompson tried to reassure parents by saying there will be an opt-out option for the sex-ed curriculum (we have yet to receive specifics on that), but as this article shows, opt-outs have their limits, and don’t always go the way parents expect.

This unscientific theory has no place in Canada’s classrooms. Doug Ford seemed to understand that when he called gender identity theory “liberal ideology” and said he would repeal Kathleen Wynne’s sex-ed. Now, his Education Minister has made a mockery of that repeal promise.

To sign our petition demanding Education Minister Lisa Thompson resign, click here. Or please the petition ( to your friends and family.



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