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Haya Day Parade in Mississauga on Saturday, July 15th

Haya Day Parade in Mississauga on Saturday, July 15th

Haya Day RALLY in Mississauga on Saturday, July 15th, 2023

Stand against Gender Confusion, Sexual Orientation, and Indoctrination of Children in Schools.

Multiple organizations have collaborated to arrange the Haya Day Parade in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada on July 15th, 2023. We kindly invite the participation of all faith-based, pro-family, and pro-life groups for this rally.

Where: Celebration Square Mississauga, Canada

When: July 15th, 2023

Time: 1:00 pm

Who: People of all faiths; parents, grandparents, men, women, youth, and children, are encouraged to participate in modest attire.

Please share your rally photos and videos via email:



Organized by: Seerah Education Foundation

What is Haya Day?

Haya: Haya encompasses bashfulness, decency, modesty, and shyness. In Islamic terminology, it primarily emphasizes modesty and decency, encouraging Muslims to steer clear of anything deemed distasteful or abominable. It holds great significance in Islam as one of the fundamental aspects of faith (Iman).

Fahisha or Fahash: These terms refer to lewdness, indecency, and all forms of perverted lifestyles. It is an integral part of Muslims' faith to avoid engaging in Fahisha.

Haya serves as the opposite of Fahishah.

Haya embodies the Prophetic way of life.

Haya represents a beacon of light in the face of darkness.

Haya embodies the natural against unnatural lifestyles.

Haya Day stands as a resistance against the influence of Shaitan.

Haya Day stands as a resistance against ignorance.

Haya Day stands as a resistance against various forms of evil.

Haya Day stands as a commitment to saving and protecting children.

Haya Day stands as a resistance against indoctrination.

Haya Day stands as a resistance against the schools bullying parents.

Haya Day stands as a resistance against the manipulation of children's minds.

Haya Day represents seeking protection from our Lord (Allah, S.T.).

Haya Day serves as a declaration of God's Supremacy.

Haya Day serves as an announcement to obey God.

Haya Day embodies the Prophetic responsibility of

What is Haya Day?

Haya: Haya encompasses bashfulness, decency, modesty, and shyness. In Islamic terminology, it primarily emphasizes modesty and decency, encouraging Muslims to steer clear of anything deemed distasteful or abominable. It holds great significance in Islam as one of the fundamental aspects of faith (Iman).

Fahisha or Fahash: These terms refer to lewdness, indecency, and all forms of perverted lifestyles. It is an integral part of Muslims' faith to avoid engaging in Fahisha.

Haya serves as the opposite of Fahishah.

Haya embodies the Prophetic way of life.

Haya represents a beacon of light in the face of darkness.

Haya embodies the natural against unnatural lifestyles.

Haya Day stands as a resistance against the influence of Shaitan.

Haya Day stands as a resistance against ignorance.

Haya Day stands as a resistance against various forms of evil.

Haya Day stands as a commitment to saving and protecting children.

Haya Day stands as a resistance against indoctrination.

Haya Day stands as a resistance against the schools bullying parents.

Haya Day stands as a resistance against the manipulation of children's minds.

Haya Day represents seeking protection from our Lord (Allah, S.T.).

Haya Day serves as a declaration of God's Supremacy.

Haya Day serves as an announcement to obey God.

Haya Day embodies the Prophetic responsibility of al-amr bi-l-maʿrūf wa-n-nahy ʿani-l-munkar (Enjoining What's good and forbidding what's evil) for the betterment of humanity.

"You are the best community ever raised for humanity—you encourage good, forbid evil, and believe in Allah." (Quran 3:110).

(Enjoining What's good and forbidding what's evil) for the betterment of humanity.

"You are the best community ever raised for humanity—you encourage good, forbid evil, and believe in Allah." (Quran 3:110).



We see that this is solely directed to Muslims, do you not think it imperative to include non Muslims who oppose this?

03 July 2023

We see that this is solely directed to Muslims, do you not think it imperative to include non Muslims who oppose this?

03 July 2023
mike cage
mike cage

yes it is important now here is a chance for others to voice or show their choice

2023-07-16 10:32:30
Ekram Al momani
Ekram Al momani

Salam dear brother or sister, How about Muslim women who don’t wear hijab and niqab? Are they excluded from defending their children. I suggest you remove this sentence about hijab and niqab from this initiative so it allow everyone who believes in the idea to participate including people from other faith who don’t wear hijab JZ Ekram Al momani

05 July 2023

Hijab is part of the deen. It’s a clear commandment from Allah who also commanded against homosexuality. So do you pick and choose the deen like it’s a buffet ?

2023-07-15 22:13:46
Ahmed Hamud
Ahmed Hamud

Try to INVITE/ENCOURAGE non-Muslim and attend This Pro-Family Get together! e.g. PAFE, & via School Parents Associations, etc.

09 July 2023

As a Catholic I fully support this, since modesty is an important part of our tradition (sadly ignored by many Catholics today). The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines modesty as follows: “Modesty protects the intimate center of the person. It means refusing to unveil what should remain hidden. It is ordered to chastity to whose sensitivity it bears witness. It guides how one looks at others and behaves toward them in conformity with the dignity of person and their solidarity. Modesty protects the mystery of persons and their love. It encourages patience and moderation in loving relationships; it requires that the conditions for the definitive giving and commitment of man and woman to one another be fulfilled. Modesty is decency. It inspires one’s choice of clothing. It keeps silence or reserve where there is evident risk of unhealthy curiosity. It is discreet” (#2521, 2522)

16 July 2023

I'm a non-Muslim but I commend your push back against this craziness.

18 July 2023



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