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Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty Left a Filthy Legacy

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty Left a Filthy Legacy


IF Pharaohs of Egypt to Hitler of Germany could ever know how to eliminate a human race, if  they could have an education plan like McGuinty’s, and if they could bring a bill like Bill 13 and an education “Act “ like “Accepting” (Homosexual) Education Act, and if they could produce a curriculum like TDSB’s Challenging Homophobia and Hetrosexism-a KG to 12 Curriculum for sons of Israel in either Egypt or in Germany, you might not find a single son of Israel (Jew) in the world at this time. And Pharaoh and Hitler would never have earned bad names in history; instead, they would have been called the champions of “human rights” and torch bearers of “liberal democratic values” and “gays rights.” They used their “muscle powers” instead of McGuinty’s “brain power” and could not eliminate even a generation. Dalton McGuinty, a product of Christian Catholic School, influenced by his lesbian ministers, sowed the seed of a “culture” that will promote “alternative family” in Ontario Schools. The future generation with “alternative (LGBTTIQ) family” will never be able to produce children.  That means they will kill their generations to come before birth.

Pharaoh and Hitler will be cursed by people till the doomsday. However, Dalton McGuinty will be praised by his liberal friends all over the world as a champion of “human rights.” Killers of modern age have magical arts in their hand. They are wizards and know the pseudo science of eliminating the human race.

Another filthy “Act” brought by McGuinty government with NDP support (also endorsed by “Progressive” Conservative of Ontario) is Washrooms Act (by Bill 33). A male who “thinks” or “declares” himself a lady can go to ladies washrooms. Stopping them to do this is a “human rights” violation. Ontario public school students of any gender can go to any washrooms (boys or girls). In future, you will see all “gender-neutral washrooms” without any separate men’s room or women’s room in all public places, swimming pools, clubs, universities in Ontario (other provinces will follow the route, and if Liberal will come in Federal government, they will make laws that will force every province to do the same). Businesses and places of worship will also have to follow the same if any member chooses the “alternate” and different gender and wants to express that gender by using washrooms.

Human history never created a filthy civilization like Ontario’s Liberals under the command of Dalton McGuinty. Liberal of Ontario (Christian, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs) could give any name to this “garbage values” and could praise McGuinty and his government in whatever way they like. But the fact is that history of human civilization will remember McGuinty’s government by a bad name. He put tons of filthy garbage on our society.

It is a huge loss for mankind, civilization, family who have moral values based on any religion or ideology.

(Syed Jawed Anwar can be contacted at



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