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Principles of Baking and Birth of Children

Principles of Baking and Birth of Children

Elder George

(“The dereliction of duty of the Western male caused the deterioration of the well-being of women and children. Society suffers as a result.” Elder George writes about the disastrous impact on society after breaking the institution of marriage. Editor)

IN the days of the village baker, people brought him what they prepared at home but needed baking before it became a finished product.

Depending on what was brought, the baker decided where in the oven to put it and how long to keep it there. When the baking was completed, the product was returned to the owner.

There was never a doubt as to who the baked item belonged to. It was the property of the person who asked to have it put in the oven.

The empty oven symbolized non-pregnant women. Only when the male deposits something in their oven will they have something to bake.

When the baking is finished, and a product called a child is delivered it belongs to the man who put the product in the oven. That’s why in the mating process he chose a woman that would be the mother of his children.

The child needs further development until it reaches maturity, and the oven operator, as part of her production of the child, is expected to nurture it (in accordance with the accepted standards of society, which men established) and develop a bond with it through its development to maturity.

Male laxity, specifically -- the dereliction of male responsibility -- caused the conduct of the oven operators to deteriorate. The institution of marriage was disregarded, and any person of the oven operator’s choosing could make deposits in the oven. Sometimes the number of depositors was so large that courts in conjunction with medical experts had to determine who the finished product belonged to. Under the new laxity of the societal structure, the depositor no longer had any say in the raising of his offspring, which was left to the jurisdiction of the courts to decide and administer.

Frequently the activity at the entrance to the oven was so high that it became polluted and diseased causing damage to the product. Increasing numbers of children were born with sexually transmitted diseases. The number of infants dying from syphilis reached all-time highs.

Sometimes the oven operators threw the product away, without any regard for whom it belonged to. Their thinking changed from being the bakers to being the owners of what was deposited into them. They spoke about the rights to their bodies without any understanding of the procreative force they were carrying and their obligation to it and society.

The dereliction of duty of the Western male caused the deterioration of the well-being of women and children. Society suffers as a result.

Now he’s complaining about the conditions that he created.

Elder George can be reached at



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