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Terrorism and Homosexuality:  Say No to Both

Terrorism and Homosexuality: Say No to Both

By Jawed Anwar

TERRORISM of any form is not justified whether it is state’s wholesale terrorism or people’s retail terrorism anywhere.

Similarly, “homosexual” lifestyle is not justified as it is waging war against nature and killing the next generations before coming into this world.  

Say “No” to both.

The state terrorism of US in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and other nations to occupy and control the resources are not justified. The state terrorism of Israel in Palestine to keep control the lands of Palestinians is not justified. The Muslim states’ terror against their people is not justified. Non-Muslim states’ terror against their people are not justified.

Similarly, terrorism of any form (even in reaction and anger) that kills common people --men women, and children-- can’t be justified. We should denounce all form of terrorism --Kabul to Paris and Baghdad to Orlando.

Witness the truth. Stand firm.

Similarly, homosexual life style (sodomy) is the waging of war against nature and against inherent psychological predilection. It is dishonesty with nature. While homosexuals derive sexual pleasure, they fail to fulfill the societal obligation. These people act dishonestly with human society; for, although they avail the advantages offered by various social institutions, when they have an opportunity to act, they use their abilities in a manner which not only fails to serve that society but which positively harms it. Apart from neglecting the obligations they owe to society, they render themselves incapable of serving the human race and their own families.

They are stopping next generations from being born.  It will diminish the human race. They will make extinct the most precious and the best specie of the world, the human being. We have an obligation to stop them.

God warned through His Messengers;

“And remember when We sent Lot [as a Messenger to his people and he said to them: â€˜Do you realize you practice an indecency of which no other people in the world were guilty of before you? You approach men lustfully in place of women. You are a people who exceed all bounds.’ Their only answer was: ‘Banish them from your town. They are a people who pretend to be pure.’ Then We delivered Lot and his household, save his wife, who stayed behind, And We let loose a shower [of stones] upon them, Observe, then, the end of the evil-doers.  Quran: Al’Araf (7: 81-85).

It is our moral, religious and social obligation to resist against it.

Peacefully but firmly.

It is for our own safety. Protect ourselves from God’s wrath.

Syed Jawed Anwar can be reached at

“Islam is a movement; a peaceful, merciful, and nonviolent resistance movement; to enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, witness the truth and establish DEEN of Allah.”

"The relationship established under a marriage contract is a sacred union between a man and a woman. God made Adam and Eve --not Adam and Steve.”






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