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Two Genders

Two Genders

Jawed Anwar

IN the symphony of creation, the concept of two genders is not merely a societal construct but a divine truth, echoing across the pages of various sacred scriptures and religious teachings. The Vedas, old and new testaments, other religious books, and the Quran all converge on the profound acknowledgment of two genders, a truth reiterated by Messengers and Prophets of God throughout history.

Civilizations, spanning time and geography, have consistently woven the factual narrative of two genders into their fabric. Nature, itself a masterpiece of divine design, resonates with this duality – from the earth and sky to the celestial bodies and the diverse life forms inhabiting our planet. The essence of creation harmonizes with the eternal declaration of two genders.

Scientifically, the intrinsic duality represented by positive and negative charges aligns seamlessly with the universal understanding of two genders. In this convergence of science and spirituality, the affirmation of dual genders stands as a testament to the natural order of the universe.

Yet, in a departure from this universal understanding, some in the modern world assert the existence of more than seven genders and over fifty pronouns. This shift, often encapsulated in terms like LGBTTIQ+, is in fact Gender Apostasy and Sexual Disorientation (GASD). Those who champion this divergence are worshippers of desires and lust, undermining the sanctity of humanity and promoting the agenda of Satan (Shaitan).

The growth and sustenance of the world depend on the inherent union of two genders. From the birth of a boy and a girl to the propagation of living species, this duality is seen as essential for the flourishing of life on Earth.

Believing in more than two genders is a psychological disorder, and there is a need for special care and treatment. In this perspective, the recognition of such beliefs is not positioned as a matter of “rights” but as a subject for medical intervention and counseling.

Twitter: @IslamicOntario

Facebook: JawedAnwarPage




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