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Using Islamophobia Card to Promote Fahisha

Using Islamophobia Card to Promote Fahisha

Jawed Anwar

FOR the past 20 years in Canada, we've seen politicians meeting with leaders of Islamic centers, including office bearers, board members, Amirs, religious directors, and presidents of Islamic organizations, as well as Muslim advocacy groups. They try to persuade these leaders that to stop Islamophobia, they should refrain from speaking against Fahisha. Additionally, they are encouraged to justify every act and style of Fahisha in the name of social justice, human rights, inclusivity, diversity, and being woke.

Unfortunately, many Islamic and Muslim leaders have surrendered out of fear of Islamophobia. This was a bad decision. Surrendering to evil by the leaders of the Islamic community is extremely shameful and sorrowful in our times.

What does Islamophobia mean?

“Irrational fear, hatred of, or prejudice towards Muslims or Islam.” (Wikipedia)

“Intense dislike or fear of Islam, especially as a political force; hostility or prejudice against Muslims.” (Oxford English Dictionary)

“Irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against Islam or people who practice Islam.” (Merriam-Webster)

Now, is this a new thing? Is it a Canadian phenomenon? Is it American or European hate?

All the Messengers and Prophets of Allah brought the same Deen (way of life, religion), which is Islam (Quran).

-Was the nation of Nuh (Noah) not Islamophobic?

-Was the nation of Hud (Heber) not Islamophobic?

-Was the nation of Saleh (Methusaleh) not Islamophobic?

-Was the nation of Lut (Lot) not Islamophobic?

-Were the leaders and priests of the nation of Ibrahim (Abraham) not Islamophobic?

-Was the nation of Shu'aib (Jethro) not Islamophobic?

-Was the nation of Bani Israel not Islamophobic towards Eisa (Jesus) and his companions?

-Were the Quraysh of Mecca not Islamophobic during Prophet Muhammad's (s.a.w.) Meccan period?

-Were the Jews of Madinah not Islamophobic during Prophet Muhammad's (s.a.w.) Madinan period?

Please check the stories of the Messengers of Allah in the Quran, particularly in Surah Hud and Surah Al-Anbiyaa.

Think now. What is the difference between then and now?

When the Messengers and Prophets of Allah spread the message of Islam, they tried to establish the Deen of Allah in all spheres of life, including politics and governance.

“He has prescribed for you the Deen which He enjoined upon Noah and which We revealed to you (O Muhammad), and which We enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus, commanding: “Establish this Deen and do not split up regarding it.”What you are calling to is very hard upon those who associate others with Allah in His Divinity. Allah chooses for Himself whomsoever He pleases and guides to Himself whoever penitently turns to Him.” (Al-Quran 42: 13)

Today, we are not making efforts to establish the Deen of Allah on this earth, yet we still face Islamophobia. However, the intensity is much lower in the North American context. We cannot imagine the level of oppression, torture, suffering, persecution, and torment that believers of Islam have endured throughout history.

Despite this, and without fearing Islamophobia, our primary duty remains: "al-amru bi-l-maʿrūfi wa-n-nahyu ʿani-l-munkar"—promoting good and forbidding evil.

You are the best community ever raised for humanity—you encourage good, forbid evil, and believe in Allah.” (The Quran 3:110)

Hudhaifah bin Al-Yaman narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w) said:

"By the One in Whose Hand is my soul! Either you command good and forbid evil, or Allah will soon send upon you a punishment from Him, then you will call upon Him, but He will not respond to you. "

Reference: Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2169, In-book reference: Book 33, Hadith 12, English translation: Vol. 4, Book 7, Hadith 2169

Please also check my previous column on this issue: 

Promoting Fahisha Camouflaging with Social Justice, Human Rights, Inclusiveness, and Diversity,-human-rights,-inclusiveness,-and-diversity

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