Found 15 Posts

Gender Identity Issue: New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Ontario
By Jawed Anwar As believers, we affirm the binary nature of gender and the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. Attempts to change gender are morally and spiritually consequential, affecting the well-being of humanity.

W.H.O. :Leave Kids Alone
Stop WHO's Project: Prioritize Children and Young Adults' Health! The WHO is pushing a dangerous agenda, and we need to act NOW! Just days before Christmas, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced plans to develop guidelines on “the health of trans and gender diverse people”.

Two Genders
IN the symphony of creation, the concept of two genders is not merely a societal construct but a divine truth, echoing across the pages of various sacred scriptures and religious teachings. The Vedas, old and new testaments, other religious books, and the Quran all converge on the profound acknowledgment of two genders, a truth reiterated by Messengers and Prophets of God throughout history.

I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle.
There are more than 100 pediatric gender clinics across the U.S. I worked at one. What’s happening to children is morally and medically appalling, by Jamie Reed

An Open Letter to Mr. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
To: Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada From: Jawed Anwar A Muslim Canadian Citizen, Servant of Allah

Haya Day Rally: Our Religion, Our Choice; Gender Is Not a Choice
On July 15th, a Haya Day Rally was held at Celebration Square in the city of Mississauga, Canada, in which a large number of people from the Greater Toronto Area participated.

Haya Day Parade in Mississauga on Saturday, July 15th
Stand against Gender Confusion, Sexual Orientation, and Indoctrination of Children in Schools

Navigation of Differences or Liberalization of the Differences
After two decades, during which LGBTQ activists, lobbyists, politicians, and their institutions accomplished their goals through legislation, institutionalization, and changes to the social and education systems, as well as by implementing new by-laws to promote and impose the LGBTQ lifestyle, certain individuals in the US who claim to be 'Islamic Scholars' (mostly professional speakers/entertainers of the Conferences) have recently issued a statement, claiming to 'painfully' navigate the differences. Canadian Islamic scholars subsequently signed the statement. Surprisingly, many of the signatories are well-known liberals and LGBT supporters.

The Principle of Gender
By Elder George Western society is collapsing, and more men are beginning to realize it is due to the Western ignorance of the principle of gender. This article will briefly explain the principle of gender and illustrate its function in society.

History of LGBTIQA Activism and Lawmaking in Canada
In this article, I will attempt to understand the history and timeline of how an organized LGBT minority overcame and prevailed in Canadian society. They achieved this by securing all the rights curtailing the rights of religious groups and family-oriented people with traditional family values. The organized minority gained power through advocacy, charity, human rights, and many social groups.

Gender Confusion and Sexual Disorientation in Canada
By Jawed Anwar Several unprecedented events have occurred in Canada and a few other countries in the last two decades. One of the main issues has been the demand of an organized minority to consider a "crime against humanity" as a "human right."

Counselling Your Children on Gender is a Criminal Act in Canada
Jawed Anwar IT is a pity to note that Liberals brought the Conversion Therapy bill (C-4) third time in the Federal Parliament on November 29 and expedited it fast to approve. And it is disastrous to note that MPs of all parties are unanimously agreed to pass the Bill. The first Bill (Bill C-8) died when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau prorogued Parliament in 2020 due to the Covid-19 outbreak (wrath of Allah).

Principles of Baking and Birth of Children
Elder George (“The dereliction of duty of the Western male caused the deterioration of the well-being of women and children. Society suffers as a result.” Elder George writes about the disastrous impact on society after breaking the institution of marriage. Editor)

Gender Change Therapy to 14 yr Old without Parents' Consent
By Tanya Granic Allen, President PAFE A few weeks ago PAFE told you about a B.C. Supreme Court judge ruling that a 14-year-old child has the capacity to consent to their own medical treatments.