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Sermon Topic?
Question: What should be the topic of Muslims, Christians, and other faith groups in their weekly congregations? My answer: Your religious belief addressing the evils of society. There is no doubt that the biggest evil of the Canadian society today is the sexual and marital relationship between X and X, and Y and Y, and several other forms of gender apostasy and sexual disorientation.

Gender Apostasy and Sexual Disorientation
Jawed Anwar The creator of anything introduces and defines the purpose of its creation and how he creates it. The creator explains about his creation what it is and how it will function and operate.

Bring Your Bible Sharia and Implement it!
Jawed Anwar We were expecting a favourable response from our Christian brothers and sisters on principles and policies of the Islamic Party of Ontario (Islamic Ontario); but, unfortunately, that did not happen. However, few of them did send positive messages and tried to understand us. We appreciate and give high regard to them.

Racist Slur: Go Back to Your Home!
Jawed Anwar Lut (Quranic Arabic name, English bible name Lot), Peace Be Upon Him, was the Messenger of God and immigrant to the nation where he settled down to call the people towards Allah. He was the nephew of a prominent Messenger of Allah; Abraham (P.BU.H).

Attention Doug Ford: Please Restore Our Gender
Jawed Anwar This year my wife’s health card was renewed, and she was shocked to see that she had lost her “female” gender. She found that the space for gender on the card was vacant. In the coming year, when my health card is renewed, I will also lose my “male” gender.

Recreational Marijuana Legalized in Canada: Â The Muslim Response
Jawed Anwar MARIJUANA, a member of the cannabis family, is legal and now available in the Canadian market for use as a recreational drug. Marijuana is a psychoactive drug that induces an altered state of consciousness. It is used to produce an altered state of consciousness for pleasure, by modifying perceptions, feelings, and emotions. When such a psychoactive drug enters the user’s body, it induces an intoxicating effect.

Are We Not All Homophobes?
Syed Jawed Anwar I was shocked when I heard the news that Tanya Granic Allen (a prominent activist against sex-ed curriculum and a candidate for last PC leadership race) was removed as Ontario PC party candidate by Doug Ford during June 2018 election campaign.

Kathleen Wynne Left a Filthy Legacy
Syed Jawed Anwar ONTARIO Liberal Party under Kathleen Wynne’s leadership has been defeated badly in June 2018 Ontario Legislative Assembly election. She grabbed only seven out of 124 seats of the assembly. Progressive Conservative (PC) got 76 seats and formed majority government. She resigned from the party leadership, and this is the end of her era. Wynne’s political activism starts when she changed her lifestyle.

Gender Genocide in Canada-3: Our Message
By Syed Jawed Anwar Our message is clear and without any ambiguity. There are two biological genders –men and women— created by God. All the religious books –Al-Quran, Tanakh (Jewish Bible), Christian Bible (including the Gospel, Talmud, Vedas, Upnishads, Tripitaka, Guru Granth Sahib— say the same thing— that the genders are two, men and women.

Gender Genocide in Canada-2: What Should Muslims Do?
Syed Jawed Anwar ALLAH sent prophets and messengers all over the world at different time periods, particularly when evil envelopes good completely. The Prophethood has been completed and finalized with the last Messenger Muhammad ï·º(s.aw.) 1429 years ago. Now the responsibility to convey the Message of God [and His Prophet Muhammad ï·º (peace be upon him] transfers to Ummah (the party, community, group) of Muhammad ï·º(peace be upon him) till Qiyamah (Doomsday).

Gender Genocide in Canada-1: Before and Beyond Bill 89
Syed Jawed Anwar Muslims are facing extreme hardships all over the world, both in Muslim and non-Muslim states and governments that include ethnic cleansing and genocide at several places. Canadian Muslims who think that they are safe are mistaken. Physically, they might be safe, but spiritually they are in a process of complete elimination.

Enjoining Good, Forbidding Evil-2
Syed Jawed Anwar Allah mentions punishment and reason of punishment of Bani Israel (sons of Israel): And recall when a party of them said, 'Why do you admonish a people whom Allah is about to destroy or punish severely?' They said, 'We admonish them in order to be able to offer an excuse before Your Lord and in the hope that they will guard against disobedience.

Terrorism and Homosexuality: Say No to Both
Jawed Anwar TERRORISM of any form is not justified whether it is state’s wholesale terrorism or people’s retail terrorism anywhere. Similarly, “homosexual†lifestyle is not justified as it is waging war against nature and killing the next generations before coming into this world. Say “No†to both.

Can Islam Accommodate Homosexuality? Quranic Revisionism and the Case of Scott Kugle
Mobeen Vaid The Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah: The Prophet Lut ( Lot. as) lived at the same time as the Prophet Abraham (as) and was sent as a Messenger to a neighbouring tribe to the Prophet Abraham (as). That tribe, according to the Qur'an, practiced a perversion never before seen in the world: homosexuality. When the Prophet Lut (as) told the people to abandon one of the greatest sins and delivered to them the message of Allah, they rejected him. They denied that he was a Prophet and continued with their

A Month of Pride or Shame?
Jawed Anwar The worshipers of lust celebrate an annual Pride Day in Canada and USA. We Muslims, Christians, and Jews, who believe in One God, procreation, family, and marriage, must unite to fight against this menace of the society. In doing so, we must also offer spiritual guidance and therapeutic health care to those lost in the sin of homosexuality and lesbianism. I propose that those of us true to God’s Word celebrate Parents Modesty Day every year.