Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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Devils Dance in North America
Devils Dance in North America
05 July 2015
Views: 1171

By Jawed Anwar On June 26, 2015, Friday, in the month of Ramadan, US Supreme Court in a 5-4 majority (satanic) ruling announced that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry.

A Parade of Shame for Humanity
A Parade of Shame for Humanity
02 July 2015
Views: 984

[Inspiration: “You are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in God.”-Al-Quran: 3:110] Sunday, 28th June was Gay Pride Day. My city Toronto celebrated it, according to media: “Crowds” estimated in the hundreds of thousands lined up at Toronto's Yonge Street to watch the parade which was themed "Come out and Play.” “Cold temperatures and a constant drizzle didn't seem to cool celebrations at Toronto's 35th annual Pride Para

Religious Activism Vs Gay Activism
Religious Activism Vs Gay Activism
26 December 2014
Views: 1072

SYED JAWED ANWAR The document “Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms” start with following golden words: “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the “SUPREMACY OF GOD” and the rule of law,” and after a marginal note on Rights and Freedoms, the document explains fundamental freedoms and the first one is (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freed

When an Evil Becomes a Human Right Issue
When an Evil Becomes a Human Right Issue
26 March 2014
Views: 1048

Syed Jawed Anwar THE human history is the history of conflict between good and evil, right and wrong, and truth and false. This conflict peaks when the Messenger of Allah descends on earth with the Message of God that draws the line between truth and false as we learn from the life of all messengers and prophets of God. This conflict went into its maximum height at the time of tallest figures of prophethood --Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (s.a.w.).

Let Women Shun Male-Market-Sponsored Feminism!
Let Women Shun Male-Market-Sponsored Feminism!
30 December 2013
Views: 960

DR JAVED JAMIL This male dominated market sponsored feminism has failed to address the key issues and are only busy in mobilizing women for ends that are determined not by the genuine concerns of women but by the needs of the market, which are not only owned by the men but also have men as the chief spenders of money.

A Letter to Ms Kathleen Wynne from Jawed Anwar
A Letter to Ms Kathleen Wynne from Jawed Anwar
01 February 2013
Views: 1038

Dear Ms Kathleen Wynne FIRST of all, accept my congratulations for being elected the leader of Ontario Liberal Party and Premier of Ontario. I also admire your ability of hard work, networking, outreaching, focused to success, engaging and using your folks at maximum of their ability.

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty Left a Filthy Legacy
Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty Left a Filthy Legacy
23 October 2012
Views: 1037

Jawed Anwar IF the Pharaohs of Egypt or Hitler of Germany had ever known how to eliminate an entire race, they wouldn’t have needed brute force. If they had an education plan like McGuinty's, a bill like Bill 13, and an education act like the "Accepting (Homosexual) School Act," combined with a curriculum like the TDSB’s "Challenging Homophobia and Heterosexism: K-12 Curriculum," history might have looked very different.

Generation Killers' "Pride" Parade
Generation Killers' "Pride" Parade
02 July 2012
Views: 982

SYED JAWED ANWAR First Published in July 2011 in the Muslim on the eve of "Pride Day Parade" . AFTER his great grandfather had an intimate relationship with the woman who would become the grandson’s great grandmother, the grandfather was born. After the grandfather had an intimate relationship with the woman who would become the grandson’s grandmother, the father was born. The father had an intimate relationship with the would-be mother, and soon the son was born. Now, the son has a relationship w

Pride Day or Shame Day?
Pride Day or Shame Day?
30 June 2012
Views: 991

Syed Jawed Anwar THE human race may be going to extinct soon on the path of “alternative lifestyles.” LGBTTIQ (gender apostate and sexual disoriented ), by denying their true physical sexuality are denying the reproduction of God’s most precious and the best creatures; the human beings.