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Defeating Liberal and NDP Muslim Candidates is Thawab

Defeating Liberal and NDP Muslim Candidates is Thawab

Jawed Anwar

The NDP and Liberal parties are the architects of the Fahisha culture and society in our province and nation. These two parties have introduced all Fahisha bills in Ontario’s Provincial Assemblies and the Canadian Federal Parliament. Muslim MPPs and MPs have consistently supported these bills without exception. In many cases, they were even the presenters and front-line advocates of these legislations.

Muslim MPPs and MPs have backed every provincial act and federal law that has stripped you of your rights as a parent, a straight individual, a religious man or woman, and a member of a traditional family. These laws have empowered the government to intimidate parents and suppress religious and traditional families. Muslim lawmakers have always aligned themselves with these agendas.

They have endorsed laws designed to indoctrinate your children and to publicize, promote, and institutionalize a gender-confused and sexually disoriented society.

Voting for them means ushering Fahisha culture into Muslim society, the Muslim community, Muslim centers, and Muslim families.

Stop them at the ballot box and ensure they do not represent you. Doing so is an act of thawab (reward).




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