Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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Islam is the Deen of America

Islam is the Deen of America

Jawed Anwar

We Muslims are not just a “community” or just a “nation”; we are a missionary community and we are a missionary nation. We are a faith-based community. We have a mission --the same mission as Prophets and Messengers of Allah brought from Allah directly in the past.

Our concept of community is entirely different. If our brother Abdullah leaves Islam and rejects faith, he is out of Islam and out of our community. He will no longer be our brother. But if John or Robert accepts Islam (surrenders to God), they are our brothers.  This is our community. There is no superiority of white over black and black over white, European over African, English-speaking over Spanish-speaking, Arabs over non-Arabs. The best among us are those who are most God-conscious, those who love Allah, and fears Allah, and those who have better character. Check the last sermon of Muhammadï·º.

As no prophet will come after the last messenger of Allah, Muhammadï·º , the Muslim Ummah (the Muslim community or nation) has to do this task; conveying the message of Allah till the day of Qiyamah (dooms day).

Islam is the Deen (the way and system of life, codes of conduct, lifestyle) given and assigned by Allah (s.t.). The first person who brought Islam here is the first person Adam (A.) created by Allah, born without father and mother.

The Deen of Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Issac), Ismail (Ishmail), Yaqub (Jacob), Musa (Moses), Eisa (Jesus), and Muhammadï·º (peace be upon all of them) were the same.

Following is the verses of Quran Surah Al-Baqra 2: 130-141

“And who but a fool would be averse to the way of Abraham? For it is We Who chose Abraham for Our mission in this world, and surely in the World to Come he shall be reckoned among the righteous. Such was Abraham that when his Lord said to him: “Submit,” he said: “I have submitted to the Lord of the Universe.” And Abraham enjoined the same upon his children, and so did Jacob: â€œMy children! Behold, Allah has chosen this religion for you. Remain till death in submission (to Allah).” Why, were you witnesses when death came to Jacob? He asked his children: “Whom will you serve after me?” They said: “We shall serve your God, the God of your forefathers, Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, the One God, and unto Him do we submit.”

Now, they were a people who passed away. Theirs is what they have earned, and yours is what you have earned. You shall not be asked concerning what they did. They say: “Be Jews,” or “Be Christians.” “Then you will be rightly guided.” Say to them: “No, follow exclusively the way of Abraham who was not one of those who associate others with Allah in His Divinity.”

Say: “We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the descendants (of Jacob) and in what was given to Moses and Jesus and in what the other Prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are those who submit to Allah.”

And then if they come to believe as you believe, they are on right guidance; and if they turn away, then quite obviously they have merely fallen into opposition to the Truth. Allah will suffice you for protection against them. He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

Say: “Take on Allah’s colour.” And whose colour is better than Allah’s? It is Him that we serve.

Say (O Prophet): “Will you then dispute with us concerning Allah when He is our Lord and your Lord? Our deeds are for us and your deeds are for you. And it is Him that we serve exclusively.”

Or do you claim that Abraham and Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob and the descendants (of Jacob) were “Jews” or “Christians?” Say: “Who has greater knowledge, you or Allah?” Who does greater wrong than he who conceals a testimony he has received from Allah? Allah is not heedless of the things you do.

Now, they were a people who passed away. Theirs is what they earned, and yours is what you earn; you shall not be questioned concerning what they did.” (2:130-141)

We have responsibility to convey the Message of God revealed in His last and latest book “Al-Quran” to the humanity.

We will be punished by Allah if we will not do this task and leave this mission. Our staying and our roots in America solely depend on this task. This is our Permanent Resident “green card.” This is our “passport” to live and represent Allah in America and as American to the rest of the world. The kingdom of the universe belongs to Allah.

 â€œBlessed is He in Whose Hand is the dominion of the Universe, and Who has power over everything;3   Al-Quran (67:1)

Syed Jawed Anwar can be reached at



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