Jawed Anwar
Nuh (Noah) (peace upon him) presented Islam to his nation --Tauheed (there is no god but one Allah-- and asked them to surrender to Allah to attain peace (Islam), Risalah (I am a Prophet and Messenger of Allah), and Aakhirah (the end of this world and the Day of Judgement when everyone will be accountable and will be rewarded or punished according to his/her deeds). He said to his nation, “That you may worship (obey) none but Allah or else I fear for you the chastisement of a grievous day†(Quran 11: 26).
In response, his nation goes islamophobic.
“The notables among Noah's own people, who had refused to follow him, responded, 'We merely consider you a human being like ourselves. Nor do we find among those who follow you except the lowliest of our folk, the men who follow you without any proper reason. We see nothing in you to suggest that you are any better than us. Rather, we believe you to be liars'†(Quran 11: 27).
Nuh didn’t ask them not to say so (islamophobic words); instead, he persisted only to accept the Message he brought from Allah so that they could succeed in both the worlds. His total age was 900 years.
He continuously enjoined what is good and warned about and opposed what is evil. In Arabic, it is called “Amr Bil Maruf and Nahi Unal Munkarâ€. امر بالمعرو٠و Ù†ÛÛŒ عنی المنکر
Nuh and his few followers were protected by God in an ark. His nation that denied were hence destroyed in flood; painful chastisement from Allah afflicted them.
Then Prophet Hud (peace upon him) brought the same Message (Islam) to his nation Aad. But he found them Islamophobic.
Prophet Hud had been continuously trying to influence and convey the Message of Allah. He said to his nation, “If you, then, turn away (from the truth), know that I have delivered the message with which I was sent to you†( Quran 11: 57).
He continuously enjoined what is good and warned about and opposed what is evil. In Arabic, it is called “Amr Bil Maruf and Nahi Unal Munkarâ€. امر بالمعرو٠و Ù†ÛÛŒ عنی المنکر
Hud and his few followers who accepted the guidance were protected by God. His nation denied, and Allah delivered the followers from a woeful chastisement (Quran 11: 58).
Then Prophet Sali’h (peace upon him) was sent to the nation Thamud. He brought the same message (Islam).
He also found his nation islamophobic. Despite what his nation was doing and saying, Salih (peace upon him) had been continuously conveying the Message of Islam.
He enjoined what is good and warned about and opposed what is evil. In Arabic, it is called “Amr Bil Maruf and Nahi Unal Munkarâ€. امر بالمعرو٠و Ù†ÛÛŒ عنی المنکر
The Prophet Salih and his few followers who accepted the guidance were protected by God. His nation denied the truth: “And the blast overtook those who were wont to do wrong, and then they lay lifeless in their homes as though they had never lived there before. Oh, verily the Thamud denied their Lord! Oh, the Thamud were destroyed†(Quran 11: 67-68).
Ibrahim (Abraham, a Muslim, friend of Allah) (peace upon him), was sent to his nation. Ibrahim (peace upon him) axed the idol gods and asked his nation to leave this stupid practice. If their gods can’t protect themselves how they can protect you?
In anger, the rulers threw Abraham (peace upon him) in fire, but Allah ordered the fire to cool down and protected His Khaleel (friend) Abraham (peace upon him).
The nation of Abraham was islamophobic. They said everything against Islam and Muslim Abraham (peace upon him). Abraham didn’t ask them not to speak words of islamophobia; instead he persisted in the Message he brought from Allah.
He enjoined what is good and warned about and opposed what is evil. In Arabic, it is called “Amr Bil Maruf and Nahi Unal Munkarâ€. امر بالمعرو٠و Ù†ÛÛŒ عنی المنکر
Lut (Lot) (peace upon him), another Prophet of Allah, migrated to Sodom. He conveyed the same message as Abraham conveyed to his nation. Lut (peace upon him) warned his newly adopted nation from the severe consequence of homosexual practices. Lut’s nation went against Islam and Muslim Lut (peace upon him), and they became islamophobic. Judging by the world’s modern definition of “homophobeâ€, Lut (peace upon him) was a homophobe for them. Quran
Lut (A.S.) didn’t ask them not to be islamophobic; instead he conveyed the message of Islam and asked them to accept the message he brought from Allah.
He enjoined what is good and warned about and opposed what is evil. In Arabic, it is called “Amr Bil Maruf and Nahi Unal Munkarâ€. امر بالمعرو٠و Ù†ÛÛŒ عنی المنکر
The Prophet Lut and his few followers who accepted the guidance and who did not indulge in perverted homosexual practices were protected by God. And those who denied and continued the practice: “And when Our command came to pass, We turned the town upside down, and rained on it stones of baked clay, one on another†(Quran 11: 82).
All the messengers of Allah were Muslims (surrendered to God and attained peace) and brought the same Message (Islam).
The same story was repeated to all the messengers/prophets of Allah till the last Messenger of Allah, Muhammadï·º (peace be upon him).
Now, the Muslim Ummah collectively has to do the same task as previously done by the Prophets and Messengers of Allahؑ.
How are we doing this task? Are we conveying the message of the last and final divine book Al-Quran to the people?
Instead of conveying the message of Allah (Islam) to the nation within which we are living, we are asking them not to say any word against Islam. And we are always ready to hide the true message of Islam.
Hiding the Message is denying the Message.
Forgive me, we are not on the Prophetﷺ side but his opponent’s side.
The majority of our Muslim leaders/activists are ready to sell the Deen of Allah for just nominations or election for MP, MPP, Congressman, and/or any post in political parties/offices, for a house, and a job.
In North America, Liberals and Democrat Muslims are selling Deen of Allah and His Message very cheap --unbelievably cheap. They thought in this way (by involving in secular and liberal politics) they will protect Muslims. They are completely mistaken. Western political/social/economic system is nothing but a form of modern jahliyah (ignorance), completely contrary to the system (of God) given by all the Messengers of Allah.
The future of Islam in North America (and all over world including so-called Muslim world) belongs to future of Islam. And there is no future of Islam unless we struggle hard to establish it. At this time, we are doing opposite. We are harming the message of Islam by our words and deeds.
(To be continued.)