The New York Times, “all the New World Order that’s fit to print,” featured the “signature” numeral 22 in both the headline and subhead – and mentioned the “fortuitous ID” that somehow always turns up to finger the patsies
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
Following yesterday’s tragedy in Manchester, the term “false flag” is the hot new meme.
A scandal has developed in the UK as Labour Party activist Debbie Hicks is being shouted down by the Establishment for pointing out that Theresa May will hugely benefit from the 22-22-22 Manchester spectacle. As the Daily Mail reported:

The Daily Mail informs us:
Miss Hicks, who last year stood for Labour in the local elections in her hometown of Stroud in Gloucestershire, wrote: ‘What has happened in Manchester is awful and my thoughts are with the families.
‘However I cant help thinking this is wonderful timing for Theresa May.
‘It is well known that politicians use events as part of their campaigns or messages.’
And it wasn’t just Debbie Hicks suggesting the 22/22/22 Manchester event was a false flag. The Mail reported “a slew” of Twitter comments all agreeing that this looks like a false flag. One was from X-factor star Steve Brookstein.
Even CNN is calling this a likely false flag! And get this – Infowars is OUTRAGED! Has the world turned upside down?
When a suspected false flag raises its ugly head, the first question is always: Who benefits?
The upcoming British election, scheduled for Thursday, June 8, pits Establishment front-woman Theresa May against insurgent Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn, a supporter of the 9/11 truth movement, was a close friend of former Environment Minister Michael Meacher, who died mysteriously shortly after agreeing to push for an independent British investigation of 9/11.
As I wrote shortly after Meacher’s death:
Meacher suddenly dropped dead “after quite a short illness.” He had been in perfect health, and was mounting a low-key campaign to open an official inquest into 9/11 on behalf of British victims’ family members. Meacher’s death is just one of many – most notably that of WTC-7 demolition witness Barry Jennings – that were all-too-convenient for the forces behind the 9/11 cover-up.
The British Establishment (led by the City of London banksters) will stop at nothing to make sure that 9/11 truth supporter Jeremy Corbyn – who is also a threat to expose the elite pedophile network – loses to May. And the obvious way to do that would be to stage a huge false flag to make the sheeple “rally ’round the Union Jack” behind their current leader, Theresa May.
VT editor Ian Greenhalgh points out that “it is very significant they chose to attack young people, as Corbyn’s support is by far the strongest amongst the young.” The strategic political choice to attack young people is reminiscent of the 11/13/15 attack on Paris’s Bataclan theater. That attack, many analysts have suggested, was designed to curtail the surge of support for Palestine among the French jeunesse.
Ian continues: “I’ve been to concerts in that venue, you can’t get in without being searched and that goes back as far as seeing ACDC there in 1994. They have bars inside where they sell alcohol, so they search everyone for bottles, cans etc. There is always a big pile of confiscated bottles by the door. So if they weren’t searching people, I bet it wasn’t the usual security people. That in itself smells of op”
Corbyn, like martyred American president JFK, is a sworn enemy of Israel’s nuclear program. He is pushing for “a political process to decommission Israel’s nuclear arsenal.”
Additionally, the bombing happened as Trump was leaving Saudi Arabia and heading for Occupied Jerusalem. The event reinforces the “Evil Holy War Against Radical Islamic Terrorists” theme of Trump’s mendacious Mideast tour.
Was Manchester a false flag? The recurrence of the numeral 22 – 22 victims, a 22-year-old perp, on May 22 – is a dead giveaway.
The freemasonic cabal responsible for false flag events often “signs” their work by prominently featuring the number 11 or its multiples. 9/11/01 and 11/22/63 are prominent examples. For details, see my articles:
11 examples of Illuminati numerology
“77 dead on 7/14” – numerology signals false flag
3/22 False Flag! Gladio Strikes Brussels on Satanic Holiday
Another London False Flag (dated March 22)
There were also the usual “terror drills” ahead of the live event.
The perpetrator, as always, was “well known to the authorities.” As always, Rita Kaatz of the Israeli Mossad spin-off SITE claimed responsibility on behalf of her #1 client, ISIS. And as always, the perp/patsy was kind enough to bring along an ID card and make sure it would quickly be found.

In short, all of the preliminary indications suggest that we are looking at yet another false flag, along the lines of those analyzed in my edited False Flag Trilogy.

Are “Islamic terror” events false flags? Find out! Read the False Flag Trilogy: We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo, ANOTHER French False Flag, and Orlando False Flag
Additionally, one of the most important contributors to my False Flag Trilogy, Ole Dammegard, recently predicted an upcoming Manchester attack on my radio show. Ole points out that yesterday’s Manchester attack occurred on the fourth anniversary of the fake beheading of Lee Rigby in Woolwich. He also notes the false flaggers’ odd penchant for staging their spectacles on the 22nd of the month:
Lee Rigby – 22-05-2013
Brussels attack – 22-03-16
Munich attack – 22-07-16
London attack- 22-03-17
Manchester attack- 22-05-17
Norway attack- 22-07-11
As always, Wikipedia appeared with the signed-sealed-and-delivered version of the official story almost instantly.
Will the Manchester (suspected) false flag destroy the candidacy of another left-leaning insurgent, Jeremy Corbyn, the way the pre-election French false flags stymied Melenchon’s surge? Or will British voters prove themselves more sophisticated than their French counterparts, and send Theresa May and her false-flagging entourage down to a well-deserved defeat?
Stay tuned for updates!
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*Ian Greenhalgh was right. Apparently there was a security stand-down, people were not being patted down at the entrance, as reported by this witness. This fits the common pattern: Charlie Hebdo magazine’s security protection was downgraded shortly before that attack, as noted by Maryse Wolinski, widow of slain cartoonist Georges Wolinski in The Guardian: “As far as I’m concerned, there’s a kind of double violence. There’s the violence of the attack, and then there’s a second violence in the denial of police failings. How was this attack possible? I’m still asking myself that question. The police protection of the offices had been scaled down, despite the French parliament and police saying an attack on French soil was imminent.” Other cases of “downgrading security before a big false flag” include: Sending the head of JFK’s military security detail to the South Pole ahead of the assassination as recounted by Fletcher Prouty; sending fighter jets to the North Pole as part of an exercise on 9/11/01; jamming NYC police and fire radios on 9/11; causing CCTV cameras to mysteriously fail in London on 7/7/2005 and again for the recent March 22 Westminster attack; jamming security communications for the Paris 11/13/15 attack; and so on. When they forget to take down the CCTV cameras, as apparently happened for the Nice truck attack last summer, we get to watch the government insist that all CCTV evidence be destroyed unseen.
*Electric_Socket (on Reddit) notes that the Manchester terror exercises bore uncanny similarities to the live event: “Also in May. Also suicide bomber. Also a small scale homemade bomb. Demo bomb also goes off in the entry/lobby area. Not too deep.”
Published with the permission of Dr. Kevin Barrett.
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He is Host of Truth Jihad Radio; a hard driving weekly LIVE call in radio show. He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.