Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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The Implosion of Western Society (Part 2)

The Implosion of Western Society (Part 2)

By Elder George

THE removal of restraints on female behavior provides women of the Western influenced world limitless opportunities to make whoopee as they increasingly and uninhibitedly express their emotions and desires.

Even the so called enlightened women with New Age values say with spiritual conviction that right and wrong or good and bad don’t exist. Isn’t that wonderful? They can indulge themselves to the fullest without any sense of guilt. As Paul said in Philippians 3:19 “They glory in their shame.”

The spiritual values and moral behavior necessary for the propagation and preservation of the species have been removed as a result of the neutering of the male and the unseen attributes that he provides to hold society together such as, reliability, constancy, courage, assertiveness, honesty, temperance, steadfastness, dependability, honor, and truthfulness.

We live in a society in which everyone can do their own thing. Women call this condition liberation. The prophets had another name for it which will be addressed later, but for the moment let’s take a deeper look at our liberated society.

Having security guards stationed at most every public event, and many private events, at most business offices or buildings in which business offices are located, at almost all public and private institutions, plus the  ubiquitous presence of security cameras in our neighborhoods, shopping malls, department stores, government offices, and educational institutions does not indicate that we live in a liberated society, but rather one that maintains increasing surveillance and control over every aspect of our lives.

The prison population in the United States has increased 25 fold since 1929 whereas the population of the nation has little more than tripled. The society of whoopee women is not faring well.

Right and wrong, which was taught in the home and supported by moral standards incorporated into social mores, have been replaced by legal and illegal, which require extensive enactment of laws and their enforcement. Increasingly legal and illegal are at odds with moral and immoral. Moral behavior derives from ethical standards that come from the spiritual understanding of the requirements for the propagation and preservation of the human race. Human race consciousness has all but disappeared and the glorification of the self has taken its place, which is called liberation and provides the basis for the conduct of whoopee women of the Western world.

The prophets call this activity whoredom and beginning with the first book of the Bible there is a continuous reference to the harlot, whore, and whoredom when addressing the collapse of society. All societies before they collapse become whore societies. The Western world is a whore society with the emphasis on people selling their services for money. Children are educated and trained to get jobs, the vehicle through which society performs its whoredom.

Most non-Western societies did not have jobs; people “worked” for the benefit of the family and tribe. The propagation and preservation of the species served as the primary activity of society and family provided the arena in which it took place.

All societies become whore societies when men no longer fulfill their responsibilities and obligations. Sodom and Gomorrah and Israel during the time of the prophet Jeremiah are two such examples. Ancient Greece and Rome also collapsed in the same way ─ their women became whoopee women as society degenerated and imploded.

As a society nears its collapse it develops a frenzy of whoopee women who eventually become screaming women when the collapse occurs. When women scream they are not calling on their sisters to help them; they are calling upon men. Unfortunately for them, few men will be around.

As the prophet Isaiah stated, “On that day seven women will come to one man and they will say, we will provide our own food and clothing, please give us your name.” Anas ( a close friend of the prophet Mohammed) said, I heard the messenger of Allah saying, “The signs of the hour include the scarcity of knowledge, the manifestation of ignorance, the display of adultery, the abundance of women, and the decrease of men to the extent that for 50 women there will be one man.”

There will not be a numerical shortage of males when the collapse comes, but a shortage of real men who recognize their responsibilities to the family, tribe, and race. The whoopee women turned screaming women will not be able to find a man to protect them when the government collapses and chaos envelopes society.

A review of the news indicates that the number of political meetings and demonstrations continues to increase throughout the Western oriented world as does the participation of screaming women. These women who supported the “we don’t need men anymore philosophy” are now upset that the government who “liberated”  them is failing them and they have no other source to turn to for the resolution of their issues; the males that they associate with are also demonstrating and screaming.

The implosion of Western society has already begun my sisters: if you don’t have a man at home I suggest you find one; and soon.

 Elder George can be reached at: He maintains a blog 




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