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Ms Kathleen Wynne! Parents Are Angry

Ms Kathleen Wynne! Parents Are Angry


ONTARIO Education System is sinking as parents in large numbers are revolting against the Ontario School system after Bill 13 or new “Accepting” (Homosexual) Education Act.

I receive phone calls and e-mails almost daily from parents to take advice what to do and how to do next in the presence and enforcement of new education act.

Parents were never consulted as Ontario liberals claim. Few years ago, in 2010, Kathleen Wynne said to a small gathering of people in her riding at Thorncliffe Park that parents were consulted before the “sex education curriculum”(the brain child of Kathleen Wynne). The curriculum suggested sex education from grade 3. Muhammad Shahid Rao, who contested the last Toronto District School Board Trustee election from the same district, was present at the gathering.  He asked her,  “Can you let us know who were the consulted parents?”  Mr. Rao also asked Ms Wynne’s closest party members and supporters (also parents) in the gathering if they were consulted?” The answer was in negative.

I have also been actively involved since 2008 in Thorncliffe Park Public School Council, and I was the Chair in 2009-2010. The TPP Elementary School is the largest elementary school of Canada, and it comes in the political riding of Kathleen Wynne where her presence is largely visible. She was also the Minister of Education at the time. She could come to any school council meeting and consult parents. She never did it. She might have consulted some gay-lesbian activist groups (and of course not from my area) as they might be “real parents group” in the eyes of Kathleen Wynne.

As the first open lesbian minister in Canadian history, Kathleen Wynne is trying to impose her “life style” on all the children, youth, and coming generation. This is the act of enforcement of one’s religion over all other religious groups. Liberalism and gayism is also a form of religion.  It is a Godless religion that has its own set of beliefs and dogmas, which includes never allowing God to control or guide one’s evil desires. They are the worshipers of their own desires. Worshiping of human’s desire and lust is the religion of Liberal politicians.

Parents are not ready to embrace the new “religion” that Ms Wynne’s group practices. They don’t want to expose their children to a new culture of GSA (Gay Straight Alliances) Club, pride day week/parade in schools, educating “alternate family” and gays are presented as a role models/heroes of the nation. Homosexual education will now also be presented in drama, music, and even math classes.

Parents of faith groups are disturbed. They are angry. Liberal media ignored them. Parents are finding alternate ways; from leaving Ontario, admitting their children to private schools, to home schooling. I know a large number of parents started home-schooling or sending their children to private schools. Parents sending their children to public schools are submitting traditional family values letter, asking adjustment and accommodation. There are two responses:  The Christian White dominated Hamilton School Board has “religious accommodation policy” while immigrant- and colored-dominated Toronto board is responding in negative, “Teachers are not allowed to inform parents or have children excused….”

Politicians will never bring these issues up at election time.  They know the public opinion on these issues are different. They can easily lose the election on these issues.

Toronto Star published an article title in September 11, 2012, â€œStock letter asks school to warn when sensitive subjects arise,” with the poll asking the question, “Should public school students be allowed to opt out of class topics contrary to their faith?” 61.33%  readers voted yes.

Toronto Sun also conducted a poll:  â€œShould sex ed be taught in the public school system?” 63% readers voted no.

Samples of some of parents’ response to Seerah School (names deleted for privacy):

  1.  My three kids (grade 5, 2, KG sr) study in Oscarpeterson Public School,  which is under peel district board. September 2012, I submitted family traditional value letter for all my kids. Unfortunately they refused my request. (Please see their response attached letter â€œPeel Board reply against traditional letter,” page 1 and 2). The similar response was received by other parents who submitted same letter. However prior to Bill 13, when I had some concerns for dancing, sexual abuse, and body part classes. In April 2012, I personally visited school and met with principal. She was well cooperative. I discussed all my concerns and explained to her how the Muslims’ children are grown, and we teach them when we need it. I also mentioned dancing is not allowed in our religion. Regarding the body part knowledge, I asked them please mention what body part you will show on the chart so I should be remove my kids if inappropriate. She was very positive and acknowledged all my concerns. Next day she sent me the attached letters granting religious accommodation for my above concerns. My kids are allowed to go to the library or stay in classroom during those classes. Please see attached letters â€œReligious accom sexual abuse and body part,” page 1 and 2,  and  â€œReligious Accom Dancing,” Page 1 and 2.
  2.  Jazak allah khyran for your efforts of guiding parents about school issues. Alhamdullillah, my children have gotten admission in a private Islamic school.
  3. I’m a very anxious and worried mother of a 5-year- -boy and 3-year-old daughter, both going to KG. I have been trying to educate the Muslim, Hindu, and Sikh community here in Mississauga. I read your article this summer which was unbelievably horrific on the info that was provided in it, and since then I have been trying to keep the parents here updated on the issue verbally as well as in printed info on the Bill 13. It’s really sad to realize  how many of our Asian / South Asian communities are completely unaware of this bill as the schools are not providing any kind of info regarding that, so I’m trying to explain to them how bill 13 is going to effect our generation, including kids and youth. I am also providing them with links available on YouTube. I would also like to inform you that many parents, like me, who have more than one child is unable to bear the expenses of Islamic School.  Can you tell me whether our Muslim schools are taking any necessary steps to accommodate such children in their schools.
  4. Thanks for all the efforts that you are doing to help parents from getting discriminated-against by the Ontario’s new legislation with respect to education relating to the sexual orientation and inclusiveness.  While I respect the identity and beliefs of others and do teach the same thing to my children, why should I have to teach beliefs of others to my children?  I am trying to find out if there is a concerted effort going on that everyone should join?  I am aware of the lawsuit filed by a Hamilton parent (Christian faith) against the Hamilton school board but not sure if there is anything similar filed on a big scale – say, a class action lawsuit by parents in Ontario.  I think this movement should be organized on a larger scale, and there should be a process to bring all interested parties to one single platform. With the resignation of Mr Dalton McGuinty, there is a hope that there will be early elections. At least, we should send letters to each MPPs against this legislation.

Interestingly, Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Education, an MPP from Don Valley West has written a letter on April 17, 2008. While addressing the issue of sexual diversity, she writes, “Should a component of any course conflict with a religious belief held by a parent or student aged 18 or older, the right to withdraw from the component of the course shall be granted on the written request of the parent or student.” She and her party now betrayed the parents by not providing “right to withdraw.”

There is a strong prospect that Kathleen Wynne will be next leader of Ontario Liberal Party and next Premier of Ontario. It will be decided in next few days. I hope parents of Ontario of all faiths will be united and “ready” to give her and her party a “befitting” response in the shape of “no vote” in the next election. Parents can make history by making Liberals a history. The chance may come very soon.

Ms. Wynne! We are angry.

Sherry G. Phillips says:

December 5, 2013 at 5:34 am  

An intriguing discussion is definitely worth comment. I do think that you ought to publish more on this topic, it may not be a taboo subject but usually people do not speak about these subjects. To the next! Many thanks!!

(Syed Jawed Anwar can be contacted



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