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Religious Jews will Leave UK to Escape School Lessons on Gay Relationships

Religious Jews will Leave UK to Escape School Lessons on Gay Relationships

Jawed Anwar

The UK newspaper the Times reports that;

“Thousands of Jews will leave Britain unless ministers back down from forcing faith schools to teach children about gay and transgender relationships and same-sex families, it has been claimed.

The Orthodox Jewish activist Shraga Stern has instructed lawyers to write to the education secretary, Damian Hinds, warning that draft government guidance requiring independent schools “to teach about homosexuality, same-sex relationships and gender reassignment” is “morally unacceptable and unlawful”.

The move pits Stern’s 70,000-strong Charedi Jewish community against school inspectors. Amanda Spielman, the chief inspector of schools, said teaching children about being gay or transgender was a requirement of the 2010 Equality Act and faith schools were not exempt.

An Orthodox Jewish activist argues that under Jewish law only parents should teach about sexuality.”

Thank God that Katheleen Wynne is out in last Ontario election. Otherwise, the next step after gay relationships class in all publicly funded schools was coming to all private schools.

As I know above 99% of Jewish children, go to their private Jewish religious schools in Ontario. However, the majority of children from Christian, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhist families go to Public funded schools where they learn homosexuality, same-sex relationships and gender identification, and orientation.  

We request Doug Ford again to restore our gender and fix the gender identity issue from the society. Please clean the Ontario public education from all kinds of sexual perversion and liberal ideologies as earliest possible. 

We fear if Doug Ford is not successful to fix the mess, Liberal may take over Ontario again to pursue their agenda.



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