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Doug Ford in Thorncliffe Park: My Speech

Doug Ford in Thorncliffe Park: My Speech

Syed Jawed Anwar

Doug Ford, a PC Ontario Leadership Candidate visited Thorncliffe Park, Toronto, on Sunday, February 18, 2018.  In his speech, he promised to repeal sex-ed curriculum immediately after got elected. The election of the leadership of the party is going to be held online March 2 to March 8, when the members of the party will vote their choice.  The Provincial election is going to be held on June 7.

Following was my speech on the occasion:

With the name of God Most Beneficent, Most Merciful.

On behalf of Muslim Voters Association-Don Valley West, we welcome Doug Ford in Thorncliffe Park. As soon as he announced his candidacy for PC Leadership, we endorsed him.

In fact, by supporting Doug Ford, we are supporting ourselves. We are here to save our children, to save our generation.

We believe that public schools are spiritual slaughterhouses of our children. They are not teaching facts and God’s guidance. They are teaching liberal ideologies of family and society.

As a leader of PC and hopefully next Premier, we expect Doug Ford will appoint a true God-fearing, God-conscious, God-loving Social Conservative Minister of Education who respects all faith groups and restores our parental and religious rights that are constitutionally guaranteed.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom starts with, “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.”

I wonder if we recognize the supremacy of God, why we don’t obey God. Why do we not take guidance from God for our family and for our public life and governance?

I always wonder why Muslims support Liberals. Liberal Party is based on the philosophy of liberalism. Liberalism divorces God from all matters and all spheres of life. They worship the human desires and lusts.

We Muslims believe and have faith that Islam provides guidance for both private and public life. Quran is the latest edition of Bible and is the book of guidance for all mankind. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) is the last and final messenger of God after Jesus. The chain of prophets and messengers begins with the first man Adam (peace be upon all prophets).

Our liberal friends say Liberal Party supports Muslims. We say liberals support Muslims minus Islam. And Muslims without Islam are not Muslims. Just like Christians minus Bible and Jesus are not Christians.  

They say that they are anti “Islamophobia.” We say you are killing Islam and all its values by legislations. If there will no Islam there will be no Islamophobia. This is how the liberals are dealing with Islamophobia.

We request our Christian Conservative brothers and sisters to join hands with Muslims having Islamic faith. Together, we can struggle to restore and bring back our religious rights and values in education and in public life. This is the only way to win the war, the war the religious groups already lost.

At the end, we request all our brothers and sisters! If you are a member of PC party, vote Doug Ford online March 2 to 8. And we request all the Canadian citizens and voters to VOTE the PC nominee from Don Valley West, Jon Kieran, on June 7.

May Allah help us succeed in our endeavour.

I request you all to please struggle hard and pray nightly for success --the success for the values and faith we believe and practice.

واَنۡ لَّیۡسَ لِلۡاِنۡسَانِ اِلَّا مَا سَعٰی ‏

(53:39) and that man shall have nothing but that for which he has striven. 

 Ø§ÙˆØ± یہ کہ انسان Ú©Û’ لیے Ú©Ú†Ú¾ نہیں ہے مگر وہ جس Ú©ÛŒ اس Ù†Û’ سعی Ú©ÛŒ ہے


 Jawed Anwar can be reached at 



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