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Elect Doug Ford to Diffuse Radical S-x Education

Elect Doug Ford to Diffuse Radical S-x Education

Syed Jawed Anwar

If you have concern with radical s-x education in public schools and gender killer education system developed by anti-generation anti human liberal ideologists, Doug Ford is your guy.

If you have to clean Ministry of Education from people like Ben Levin, now-convicted child pornographer who overseen the radical and extremely offensive porno style sex ed in Ontario Public funded schools, Doug Ford is your guy.

If you are in support of Parents as first educator, parents’ choice and parents’ decision in their children education, Doug Ford is your guy.

If you are parents and grand-parents and are serious to save your children and future generation from spiritual death, Doug Ford is your guy.

If you are looking to stop the gutter culture and society created by Kathleen Wynne, Doug Ford is your guy.

Doug Ford announced Monday;

"We need to focus on teaching kids facts, not ideology. That’s why if I’m elected as leader, I’ll take issues like sex-ed to parents. I will always stand for parents deciding what their children learn at school." 

Elect Doug Ford for Ontario PC leadership election. Vote online March 2 to March 8.

To vote him in the PC leadership election, you have to be a member of Ontario PC Party (last date February 16). If you are 14 and above and are citizen or Permanent Resident, living in Ontario, you can be a member of the PC. A minimum membership fee is $10 for one year. Be a member now to be eligible to vote.  Following is the link.


Jawed Anwar can be reached at




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