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Gender Genocide in Canada-7: Dealing With Public Schools

Gender Genocide in Canada-7: Dealing With Public Schools

Jawed Anwar

We will not recommend parents to send their children to public-funded schools of Ontario, Canada (or anywhere in North America) for the reasons given in my various articles on this issue. You can choose anything from home schooling, private, and religious schooling to avoid public schooling.

However, we understand the reality is that more than 80 to 90% of our children will go to public schools. The reasons may be many –from availability and possibility of no alternative option to carelessness and adopting and giving too much importance to DUNYA (this world) over AKHIRAH (the world hereafter).

I will say that your children are the most precious pearls of this world, and they will be the comfort of your eyes only when they become obedient to Allah, Prophetï·º  , and obedient to parents. So be serious and alert as to their nourishment, training, and upbringing.

Here is my suggestion to those parents whose children are going to public-funded schools:

Following is the form/letter initiated by P.E.A.C.E (Phil Lees) to submit to the school (principal and teacher) in 2013. We updated and amended the contents with minor changes according to our Islamic family values. The form has been available at since 2013, and now its pdf is attached at the end of this article.

You can submit full or part/portion or with addition however you choose and like for your children, your community’s children, congregation of your Masjid/Islamic/community Centers.

But keep in mind that it is a continuous process to meet teacher and principal; approach, convince, communicate, and let them know and understand your family values. It is not the issue that you just submit the form and they will follow your instruction. No.

They made the laws where parents have limited role in the public education. But a continuous approach with the objective of dawah (outreach with your deen and values), your active involvement in the School Council may work in the long run.

Never give up. Consider it as a Dawah opportunity to the school staff and parents.

Make it mandatory for yourself, for daily sitting with family, with all children, reading and understanding the guidance; Quran, and Hadith, minimum of 10 to 15 minutes.

Link of the form to submit is attached (exclude first page).


 Previous Columns on the topic:

Gender Genocide in Canada-6: Home-Schooling / Alternate of Public Education

Gender Genocide in Canada-5: Masjid-Alternate of Public Education

Gender Genocide in Canada-4: Things to Do

Gender Genocide in Canada-3: Our Message

Gender Genocide in Canada-2: What Should Muslims Do?  

Gender Genocide in Canada-1: Before and Beyond Bill 89




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