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Sex-Education on Gay Relationship: British Religious Jews and Muslims Woke Up Late

Sex-Education on Gay Relationship: British Religious Jews and Muslims Woke Up Late

IO News
Relationship Education (RE) and Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) will become a mandatory part of the school curriculum in all primary schools in England – state, academy, free, faith, private etc. – from September 2020 (although schools are encouraged to start early).
Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) is currently (2018-2019) taught in UK state-funded secondary schools (and often in Years 5 and 6 of state primary schools). All schools are required to have an SRE policy.
From September 2019 SRE will change to RE/RSE in England, and from 2022 in Wales. From September 2020, all children in all schools in England will receive RE from the age of 4 – 11 years and RSE from the age of 11- 16 years – this means your child will receive 12 years of RE/RSE!
As the law currently stands (2018), nursery schools will not have to teach RE/RSE. However, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) are also calling for: “comprehensive age-appropriate content including promotion of LGBT+ matters for all schools from nursery throughout all phases of state education”…. So RE could be taught to 2-year-olds in the future!
At present (2018), faith schools in England will have to teach RE/RSE when it becomes compulsory in September 2020.
Faith schools will be allowed to teach RE/RSE ‘according to the tenets of their faith’ as long as they are consistent with the requirements of the 2010 Equality Act (which does not allow discrimination on the basis of gender reassignment or sexual orientation, amongst other protected characteristics). Further scope and limitations on this right are yet to be clarified.
However, the MP Edward Timpson, during a parliamentary debate explained that ‘whilst schools would be allowed flexibility over how to teach a topic it would still be compulsory to teach a topic – there is no option to exclude the teaching of certain issues even if it contradicts a school’s religious beliefs or values.’ That is consistent with the 2010 Equality Act.
The Orthodox Jewish activist Shraga Stern has instructed lawyers to write to the education secretary, Damian Hinds, warning that draft government guidance is requiring independent schools “to teach about homosexuality, same-sex relationships and gender reassignment” is “morally unacceptable and unlawful.”
Thousands of religious Jews will leave Britain unless ministers back down from forcing faith schools to teach children about gay and transgender relationships and same-sex families, it has been claimed.
NUT and NAHT are also pushing for LGTB in nurseries, i.e. for 2 yr. olds!
The government say that RSE is a way of tackling teenage pregnancies, bullying etc. But if bullying is really their concern, then why are other minority groups who suffer far more not being assisted to the same degree?
Ontarians! Please note Bill 13 (“Accepting” School Act”) implemented in all public schools since 2013. Check the curriculum.
Followed Bill 33 in 2013 and Sex Education Curriculum 2015.
In the UK a group Stop RSE was set up in 2018 as a resource primarily for the Muslim community in the UK to inform and support families concerned about the mandatory introduction of Relationship Education (RE) and Relationship & Sex Education (RSE) into all schools across England from September 2020.
Following are the notes from Stop RSE group. We believe it is useful for Ontario and Canadian Parents too. 
- Comprehensive Sexuality Education pushed by the UNESCO, The Global Education 2030 Agenda. Being rolled out across to Muslim countries too, backed by the UN. 
- LGBT roots from things such as the French Revolution (the idea of separating the individual from God), feminism, Alfred Kinsey (an individual who endorsed pedophilic material)
- LGBT is a social engineering program built to go on. It’s highly strategic, as top lawyers are being used to pass a certain law which is then exploited to promote LGBT
- World Health Organization (WHO) wish for children aged 0-4 to touch themselves to experience sexual pleasure, as evident from their syllabus
- The initiative is to corrupt children from a young age so that by the age of 14-15 they are advocates of this ideology 
- LGBT+ lobby groups are offering ‘advice’ to schools by offering training etc., and they are doing so under the concept of ‘preventing bullying.’
- Sex education is taught in science lessons too.
- Currently, LGBT activists argue that parents are not doing their job, which is why teachers must step in
- Homeschooling, which people see as an alternative, is something which possibly could be clamped down on in the foreseeable future
Practical Implementation and Implications of SRE:
- Children are being shown ‘cartoon porn,’ some of which students are finding traumatizing due to their young age
- Parents have complained about how their children have been made upset by being exposed to such images
- Hands and private parts have been put together in images to normalize the content
- Children are being given models to play with
- Children are looking at each other’s private parts in the playground 
- Children as young as 8 are practicing putting on contraceptive methods to plastic models
- 40-50 million abortions are carried out every year
- The ‘Every child matters’ policy means that GPs, for instance, could play a role by writing to governors etc. emphasizing the negative effects of exposing children to such material 
- Children’s books are being used to solidify the process of normalizing LGBT. 
- Sometimes the titles of books are ostensibly neutral, but in reality, they revolve around an LGBT theme, such as the story of a red crayon which thinks it’s blue, and in the end, all the other crayons believe it is 
- Booklets on LGBT policies are encouraging LGBT children to team up with Muslims as we both are minorities
- Ofsted want LGBT promoted
- Muslims are being seduced to unite with LGBT groups under the banner of ‘we are both minorities’
- Currently, if you live as your chosen gender for 2 yrs, you can officially gain a gender recognition certificate
- There was a case of a male prisoner who said he was a woman and was transferred to a women’s prison where he subsequently raped women 
Other Issues:
- Muslims who are pro LGBT should not be condoned, but they ought to be given some form of counselling 
- The government has mentioned that the religious background of individuals needs to be considered to
- 2% of the population is LGBT, and all this is being done for this 2%, which nevertheless is on the rise
4. What can we do?
- Community want guidance, and some feel grieved at the silence of the ulama (scholars of Islam). 
- Make Islam relevant to the youth, as many youths wish to leave Islam and perceive it as a mere system of ‘this is haram’ and ‘that is haram.’ Children need to be informed of the rational factors behind why things are halaal and haraam.
- Currently, head teachers do have a lot of power. For instance, one principal of a Church of England school has opted out of Sex Education being taught at her school and does not send her teachers to. 
Stonewall training sessions
- Some teachers are waiting for the final guidelines to be released and may opt to teach the minimum amount, although this option isn’t satisfactory of course
- Bring yourself to good terms with head teachers and school governors
- A lot of Local Education Authorities are putting together RSE materials. Keep up to date with this and get involved yourself of the right people involved if you can
- In relation to teaching aspects of body safety, we cannot just say, ‘we don't want that,’ we have to offer an alternative, and there is appropriate material available for this which does not refer to body parts etc. 
- Parents want a right but wish for someone else to do their work for them. This has to change. A strong bond between parents and their children is fundamental, but parents do need support on how and when to speak to their children on these matters
- Parents can resist LGBT being disseminated by writing to schools, MPs, influence schools’ RSE policies, become parent governors, stop lobby groups
- Legal advice is required so that we are made better aware of our rights
- There’s a need for evidence-based research. For example, tackling this issue from a psychological narrative using case studies and statistics as opposed to just a religious narrative
- Islamic schooling is an option, although there is the issue of cost and feasibility, and Ofsted will of course also have an involvement
- Home education is something the government may clamp down, and it isn’t feasible for many families. Nevertheless, it is an immediate solution. Note, the first 7 years of a child’s upbringing are essential in their lifelong development
- Community home-educating is lawful, so long as it is less than 18 hours, which is about 3 and a half hours worth a day. This is greater than the average three hours of education believed to be offered in schools. Also, as this form of education is collective, it is a feasible option. This could also take place in the form of one institute offering certain lessons/hours of study at a particular time of the day, and another totally different institute may offer certain hours/lessons at another time of the day. This is one possible way of overcoming the 18hour issue if people wish to teach their child for more than just three hours a day
- English teachers, Maths teachers and science teachers etc. could perhaps offer some form of tuition in their communities
- The madrassa is one area where we still have control and where many students still attend. However, this does not lift the responsibility from parents
- An Islamic counter-narrative for RSE can be taught in madrassas, and children should be equipped with critical thinking and psychological related skills.
- Practice-based evidence needs to be implemented. This is where we can try, evaluate and modify prototypes.
- Classes for parents on RSE and their legal rights are required.
- Have workshops/youth led sessions on matters such as pornography, as parents may not feel comfortable discussing these matters with their own children.
- Devise plans for working with those who are already victims of these problems.
- Language barriers between parents/teacher and child need to be overcome.




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