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Shebe-Abi-Talib: Oppression of Quraish Arab

Shebe-Abi-Talib: Oppression of Quraish Arab

THE exile of the entire clan of Banu Hashim, to which Prophet Muhammadï·º belonged, is the worst example of trials and tribulations faced by him and his Companions (R.A.). When the Quraish came to know that the Abyssinian Christian ruler Najashi welcomed the Muslim migrants from Makkah and was moved by the Dawah of Prophet Mohammadï·º, they became sad as well as furious. They came down heavily on the Prophet and his Companions and even secretly planned to kill him. A pledge was taken that they would not have any marital relationship with Banu Hashim, nor would they have any trade link with them. This collective punishment was meted out to them notwithstanding the fact that not all the members of Banu Hashim had embraced Islam.

Mansoor bin Ikramah, one from Quraish, got this pledge written and hung inside the Ka’aba. However, in doing so his hand became stiff. This was a punishment from Allah, but the stonehearted Quraish did not learn anything from it.

Instead, in the seventh year of Prophethood, Banu Hashim was forced to flee to Shebe-Abi-Talib, a desolate place some distance from Makkah. Banu Abdul Mutalib shifted to this place to spend exiled life. But Abu Lahab, one of the uncles who always opposed the Prophet, fled from there and re-joined the Quraish back in Makkah.

This was the most testing-time of the Makkan years. The food supply was exhausted. Except in the season of Haj, Banu Hashim were not allowed to get out. They faced extreme hardship. Children would weep in distress. Some Quraish would make merry at this plight of Banu Hashim. However, there were some others who felt upset and were pained at what was happening.

The Prophetï·º would cite the example of Mansoor bin Ikramah’s fate. But for three years, Banu Hashim was confined to this place. The Prophet then learned from Allah that the copy of the pledge placed in the Ka’aba had been eaten by moths. Only the name of Allah had not been touch. He conveyed this to Abu Talib, the uncle, who in fact played a key role in bringing him up. He told this to his brothers. Everyone went to confirm this fact in Haram. The pledge was brought out, and the Quraish were stunned to see that what the Prophet had said was right. This incident created a sharp division within the rank and file of Quraish. Some of them wore protective arms and went to Shebe-Abi-Talib to invite Banu Hashim to Makkah. They now conceded that they would not be able to finish off Prophet Mohammadï·º and his Message.

This holds true even today, provided those espousing the cause of Islam possess the same character and conviction and remain steadfast before trials and tribulations.



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