Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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The Problem of Qadiyanism (So-Called Ahmadiyya)
The Problem of Qadiyanism (So-Called Ahmadiyya)
04 October 2017
Views: 932

By Syed Abul A'la Maududi (1903-1979) In January 1953, thirty-three Muslims scholars (leading Ulama of Pakistan) representing various Muslim organizations and parties from all parts of East and West Pakistan held a conference in Karachi to discuss government suggestions and recommendations for the new constitution presented to parliament. The meeting ended with many suggestions and reforms one of which was ".

Reasoning Behind the Need for Prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w)
Reasoning Behind the Need for Prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w)
27 September 2017
Views: 817

By Syed Abul A'ala Maududi (Translated from the book "Seerat e Sarwar e Aalam ﷺ, Chapter “Why Did the World Need Prophet Muhammad ﷺ After Other Prophets?”) (42:14 part) Indeed those who were later made the heirs of the Book are in disquieting doubt about it.

Prophetic Perspective of Jihad and the Doubts of the Modern Mind
Prophetic Perspective of Jihad and the Doubts of the Modern Mind
21 September 2017
Views: 930

There are many misconceptions and misunderstandings created by several non-Muslim scholars, orientalists and authors in their research works. One of the misconceptions which they constantly present is that the religion of Islam is a religion of terror and war and the aim of this religion is to engage its followers and others in the battlefield. This is absolutely a wrong concept about the Deen of Islam. In fact, Islam is the Deen (religion, way and system of life) of peace.

Wahi (Revelation): Meaning, Forms and Types
Wahi (Revelation): Meaning, Forms and Types
08 September 2017
Views: 5058

Lexically, wahi means swift and secret instruction, i.e. an inspiration which is made with such haste and speed that none may know it except the inspirer and the one being inspired. As a term, this word has been used for the guidance and instruction that is put in the mind of a man by Allah like a flash of lightning.

Finality of Prophethood
Finality of Prophethood
26 August 2017
Views: 945

By Syed Abul A'la Maududi (b.1903-d.1979) Foreword (by the author) OF all the conspiracies hatched against Islam in modern times, the most dangerous is a false claim to Prophethood made in the beginning of this century (20th century).

Common Call of All the Messengers and Prophets of God and Their Position
Common Call of All the Messengers and Prophets of God and Their Position
09 August 2017
Views: 734

By Syed Abul A'ala Maududi (Translated from the book "Seerat Sarwar e Aalam") We see in the Holy Quran that prophet after prophet came and called their people towards only one thing: “O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him.”

What is Prophethood?
What is Prophethood?
30 June 2017
Views: 862

(From the Book Seerat Sarwar e Aalamï·º) God has most graciously provided man with all that he needs in this Universe. Generally, every new-born child arrives in the world endowed with eyes to see, ears to hear, a nose to smell and breathe, hands to touch, feet to walk and a mind to think. All those potentialities, powers and faculties, that a man needs or can need are most carefully provided and marvelously set in his tiny body. Every minute requirement is foreseen and provided for.

Seerah of the World Leader (PBUH) - 3: The Importance and Reality of Prophethood
Seerah of the World Leader (PBUH) - 3: The Importance and Reality of Prophethood
15 June 2017
Views: 753

(From the Book Seerat Sarwar e Aalamﷺ) (Quran 16:9 part) It rests with Allah alone to show you the Right Way, even when there are many crooked ways. This contains an argument for Prophethood along with a proof of Tauhid (unity and oneness of God) and of Allah’s compassion and providence. The argument is this:

Seerah of the World Leader (PBUH) - 2: Rationale of Prophethood
Seerah of the World Leader (PBUH) - 2: Rationale of Prophethood
08 June 2017
Views: 744

(From the Book Seerat Sarwar e Aalam, s.a.w.) We see in big cities that hundreds of factories are running on electricity. Trains and Trams are running. In the evening, immediately thousands of lights are brightened. In summers, fans run in every house. However, these events do not arouse a feeling of awe in us nor do any differences arise among us on the cause of their running and brightening. Why so?

Seerah of the World Leader (PBUH) -1: Why Series of Prophets for the Guidance of Mankind
Seerah of the World Leader (PBUH) -1: Why Series of Prophets for the Guidance of Mankind
15 May 2017
Views: 768

(From the Book Seerat Sarwar e Aalam) THE Lord of creation, the Creator and Sovereign of the entire universe, created man* on earth (which is merely a part of His boundless realm). He also endowed man with understanding, with the ability to distinguish between the good and evil, with the freedom of choice and volition, and with the power to exercise his latent potentialities. In short, Allah bestowed upon man a kind of autonomy and appointed him His vicegerent on earth.

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) : War Etiquettes and Our Future
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) : War Etiquettes and Our Future
09 May 2017
Views: 926

The kindness and compassion of Prophet Muhammadﷺ (peace upon him) was such that he commanded ethical principles in events requiring physical fighting. For example: “While entering the enemy area, do not raise your hand against any child, old person, patient or wounded person. Do not raise your eyes towards a woman. Do not cut any fruit-bearing trees. Do not sacrifice any milk-giving animal, and do not ruin a population.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Rights of Women and Slaves
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Rights of Women and Slaves
07 May 2017
Views: 1692

WHEN Muhammadﷺﷺ became Prophet, women of that time were deprived of their human rights. They were just a comfort material for men and a source of entertainment. The men kept and treated them as they wished. Men were disappointed and ashamed at the birth of a girl and buried them alive. In the Qur’an, Allah says: “And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked for what sin she was killed” (81: 8-9).

Character of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) : An example for the World
Character of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) : An example for the World
30 April 2017
Views: 828

IT is strange that, with all that has been written about Prophet Muhammadﷺ (peace upon him), the world still does not know about the unparalleled personality of the last messenger of Allah and compassionate leader of humanity. Allah has given him the title of “mercy for the two worlds” and has called him gracious and merciful.

Muhammad [Pbuh]: World at the threshhold of His Appearance
Muhammad [Pbuh]: World at the threshhold of His Appearance
02 April 2017
Views: 787

AT the end of the sixth century AD humanity was facing a very depressed and deprived condition. There was no Guidance from its Creator and Sustainer to guide its destiny as all were “lost” or mutilated due to human interpolation. There was no Kingdom of God on earth to deliver justice and equity to human abode. There was no concept of human rights and no court of justice to take care of their violations every now and then.

The Rights and Duties of Workers in the Light of the Teachings of Muhammad (PBUH)
The Rights and Duties of Workers in the Light of the Teachings of Muhammad (PBUH)
01 April 2017
Views: 806

ONE of the characteristics of the teachings of Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) and the commandments of Islamic Shariah is that they are compatible with the conditions and requirements of all ages. The events and annals from the time of the advent of Islam bear testimony to this fact. The world has witnessed catastrophic events through the vicissitude of time and life, but the teachings of Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) are still fresh, vibrant, and relevant.