WHEN Muhammadﷺﷺ became Prophet, women of that time were deprived of their human rights. They were just a comfort material for men and a source of entertainment. The men kept and treated them as they wished. Men were disappointed and ashamed at the birth of a girl and buried them alive. In the Qur’an, Allah says: “And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked for what sin she was killed†(81: 8-9).
By Imam Zaid Shakir WHEN we talk about Islamic education and our children, the discussion usually revolves around strictly academic issues related to technical aspects of curriculum development, testing standards and methodologies, balancing between secular and religious education, and similar concerns. Sometimes we miss the greater objective of an Islamic education.
Elder George THE past few years has seen a relatively limited posting of essays on my website (mensaction.net) because of what I considered a lack of involvement by the readership. After positing more than 160 essays and not having created much of a following I decided to take a hiatus. Then recently I thought of the advice of a friend who indicated the importance of getting the message out regardless of the immediate response. He said people will take action at the opportune time.
“Surely the men who submit (to Allah) and the women who submit (to Allah), the men who have faith and the women who have faith, the men who are obedient and the women who are obedient, the men who are truthful and the women who are truthful, the men who are steadfast and the women who are steadfast,
IT is strange that, with all that has been written about Prophet Muhammadﷺ (peace upon him), the world still does not know about the unparalleled personality of the last messenger of Allah and compassionate leader of humanity. Allah has given him the title of “mercy for the two worlds†and has called him gracious and merciful.
Yvonne Ridley THE view on Donald Trump's first 100 days from this side of the Atlantic has been a bit like watching a car crash in slow motion. We've had the bombing of Syria and the beating of ever louder war drums towards North Korea, an on-off love in with Russia and China and a few u-turns over Muslim immigration and let's not forget the big, beautiful wall which will probably not be built.
Syed Jawed Anwar Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) USA and Muslim American Society (MAS) organized its 42nd convention on Easter weekend (14-16 April) in Baltimore, Maryland. I attended after more than decade when it was in Hartford, Connecticut. At that time, the convention attracted under 10,000. After a few years the numbers crossed 10,000, and the convention organizers changed its venue to the Convention Center, Baltimore. Now the numbers are over 20,000.
By Yvonne Ridley Around four years ago I was told exactly how the Syrian Revolution began and who started it. After investigating the story I realised it challenges supporters of the Assad regime and silences those conspiracy theorists who blame everyone from the CIA to Mossad, the Saudis and Russian intelligence.
Jawed Anwar From the last few years till now, 470,000 people were killed, including 55,000 children in Syria. 13.5 million fled and were displaced all over the world. Among them 6 million are internally displaced. 4.6 million are refugees outside Syria but mostly in neighboring Muslim countries.
By Yvonne Ridley SO we might never know why someone hired a car and committed the murderous attack on a group of innocent people in London before turning his attentions on a policeman stabbing him to death. And yet the media has delivered a huge goal to Daesh by its round-the-clock coverage examining in minute detail every aspect of the 90 second attack. The first three days, in the absence of any real facts other than the subsequent identities of those killed and how they died, was all speculative.
By Sheikh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat Children are a Blessing Being gifted with children is a great blessing from AllÄh ta'ÄlÄ. For any blessing we receive we need to do shukr, i.e. be grateful to AllÄh ta'ÄlÄ. True shukr meets the following requirements: 1. Realise the blessing is the result of the Grace of AllÄh ta'ÄlÄ and that it has come to you without your being deserving of it. 2. Acknowledge your gratitude in your heart and express it verbally as well. 3. Use the blessin
AT the end of the sixth century AD humanity was facing a very depressed and deprived condition. There was no Guidance from its Creator and Sustainer to guide its destiny as all were “lost†or mutilated due to human interpolation. There was no Kingdom of God on earth to deliver justice and equity to human abode. There was no concept of human rights and no court of justice to take care of their violations every now and then.
By Sheikh Mikaeel Olivieri (Abdur Rahman) Almighty Allah has put us in this world for a short amount of time. In our time here, we must quickly assess and examine our situation. By the grace of Almighty Allah, he has guided us to the religion of Islam. Islam has left no stone unturned in showing us, in a very beautiful and simple way, how to live. The biggest test, of course, is dealing with trials and tribulations. Allah, outlining this, says in the Quran:
ALL prophets came with signs and evidences furnished by God to show that the prophets were truly who they claimed to be. Among these signs were miracles that defied the laws of nature and were witnessed by the people. Generally, miracles are experienced only by the people who were there when the miracles actually occurred. Allah, however, furnished Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with a miracle that would endure for all time. That miracle is the Qur'ân.
ONE of the characteristics of the teachings of Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) and the commandments of Islamic Shariah is that they are compatible with the conditions and requirements of all ages. The events and annals from the time of the advent of Islam bear testimony to this fact. The world has witnessed catastrophic events through the vicissitude of time and life, but the teachings of Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) are still fresh, vibrant, and relevant.