Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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Devils Dance in North America

By Jawed Anwar On June 26, 2015, Friday, in the month of Ramadan, US Supreme Court in a 5-4 majority (satanic) ruling announced that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry.

A Story of a Lesbian Teacher: How She Indoctrinates Kindergarten Kids

The LGBT activist school teacher is using her lectern to convert young children into homosexual advocates. First she shocks them with her own sexual orientation, then she convinces them her "family" is no different from theirs.

A Parade of Shame for Humanity

[Inspiration: “You are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in God.”-Al-Quran: 3:110] Sunday, 28th June was Gay Pride Day. My city Toronto celebrated it, according to media: “Crowds” estimated in the hundreds of thousands lined up at Toronto's Yonge Street to watch the parade which was themed "Come out and Play.” “Cold temperatures and a constant drizzle didn't seem to cool celebrations at Toronto's 35th annual Pride Para

Sex Ed: Ontario Liberals' Social Fascism

THOUSANDS of parents (about 7,000) rallied at Queens Park on Tuesday, April 14 (a working day) against the new sex education program of Physical & Health Education that should actually be called “sex perverted curriculum”. It was massive public outrage to oppose the design of liberal and gay fascists who are imposing their life style to all Ontarians. The new sex education reform is continuation of changing the curriculum and school environment by passing various bills such as Bill 13 and Bill 33; deriv

A Grade-by-Grade Breakdown of Ontario New S-x-Ed Program

Grade 1 Children learn to “identify body parts, including genitalia (e.g., penis, testicles, vagina, vulva), using correct terminology.” Grade 3 Children learn to “identify the characteristics of healthy relationships” including “accepting differences, being inclusive.” They will learn to “respect” how “invisible difference” such as “gender identity, sexual orientation…make each person unique.”

Promoting Gay Culture and Gender Change in the Ontario Schools

CHECK the Ministry of Education sponsored TDSB documents/Guidelines that applies to every School District boards of Ontario and that is already in place since 2012. Ontario Liberal government with the collaboration of heavily funded LGBT agencies are promoting gay life style, brain washing young minds and encouraging proudly adopting, practicing and announcing the gender identity of their own choice. This is a shaitanic evil plan to produce gender confused and sexual perverted generation.

S-xting: Kathleen Wynne's Agenda Revealed

SYED JAWED ANWAR Parents of Ontario from all over organized, showed their deep concern, and opposed vigorously, Wynne sex agenda. A group named “Parents As First Educators” (PAFE) gathered more than 30, 000 petitions against the Wynne sex education curriculum. Dozens of parent groups gathered other thousands of petitions. The media groups that posted polls on their websites for yes/no answer about this issue record more than 85% in the “no” category.

Ontario S-x Ed Curriculum: What is the Right Option for Religious Communities?

Ontario' s ex McGuinty liberal government and present Wynne’s government have polluted the spiritual environment of Ontario in such a way that religious communities have had to hold their breath.

Why We Should Oppose Ontario S-x-Confused Curriculum

SYED JAWED ANWAR IN 2010, Premier Dalton McGuinty announced a revised sex-ed curriculum, the brain child of Kathleen Wynne, current Ontario Premier and ex education Minister of Ontario. Parents’ immediate reaction was so sharp and immediate that in fear of losing the government, minority Ontario Liberal withdrew or let’s say postponed it. Now newly elected Premier Kathleen Wynne has vowed to bring back the sex education curriculum without any change or amendments.

Personal Notes: My Birth Day and Riba (Interest and Usury)

Jawed Anwar Today is December 31. This is my birthday. I have never celebrated my birthday; reason being is that my most beloved person, the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (s.a.w.) never celebrated his birthday (similarly all other past Messengers of Allah whom I love dearly have never celebrated their birthdays).

Forbidding the Evil: Islamic Responsibility

JAWED ANWAR The late Maulana Sadruddin Islahi, a great scholar of Islam from India had written a book called “Islam and Ijtamaiat” written in Urdu. He cited and argued the importance of Ijtamiat (organization), he implored that any organization/Ijtamiat of Muslims are not permissible in Islam, except for the following three reasons:

Religious Activism Vs Gay Activism

SYED JAWED ANWAR The document “Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms” start with following golden words: “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the “SUPREMACY OF GOD” and the rule of law,” and after a marginal note on Rights and Freedoms, the document explains fundamental freedoms and the first one is (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freed

Manufacturing Parents' Consent for S-x Ed Curriculum

SYED JAWED ANWAR SINCE the last few weeks, Ontario Sex Education Curriculum was in the media lime light. This sparked a various discussions in different forums. Concerned parents are angry, frustrated and losing the confidence and belief in the public education system. It has been reported that the Ministry of Education and its different agencies are asking parents consent to implement sex education curriculum. This is a blatant lie.

Catholic Parents Demanding Teachers Do Not Officially Attend Gay Pride March in Toronto this Month

TORONTO: Parents as First Educators (PAFE) and its supporters are urging the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic board to take action against teachers who attend the World Pride Parade in Toronto on June 29. The board will be debating a formal protest of the decision by OECTA, the Catholic teachers’ union, to send a delegation to the parade at a meeting Tuesday, June 17. PAFE supporters are urging Trustees to look into possible actions that can be taken by the board as the employer of the teachers.

Introducing Raji al-Faruqi and the Project "Islamization of Knowledge"

By JAVEED IQBAL SAIT Dr. Isma’il Raji al-Faruqi was born in Jaffa, Palestine. His father, ‘Abd al-Huda al-Faruqi, was an Qazi (Islamic judge) and a practicing religious person and was well-versed in Islamic scholarship. Dr. Faruqi received his traditional/religious education at home from his father and in the local Masjid. He began to attend the French Dominican College Des Frères (St. Joseph) in 1936.


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