Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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Ontario Bill 13-A Culture-Shift Mandate: Embracing the Homosexual Agenda

A Biased Education Act By PHIL LEES On June 6th, 2012, the Liberal government passed Bill 13, known as the Accepting Schools Act. It was presented as legislation that would tackle the issue of bullying in schools.

How to Start Home Schooling

By ZOHRA SARWARI What Is Home Schooling? HOME SCHOOLING is simply schooling school aged children at home. Many people are choosing to home school their children today for many reasons. Some people believe that children should be taught at home and some people like the freedom that it gives the family to do other things and still teach the children to read and write. Home schooling has gotten more popular in recent years but it was used all the time in families long ago. Farmers that keep the kids home

Freedom from School: 10 Reasons Why Families Homeschool

SHEHNAZ TOORAWA AS the new school year begins, more than 80,000 children in Canada and 2.5 million children in USA will not enter a school building. What motivates these parents who remove their children from the long-standing, and sometimes free, school system and educate their children themselves? Consider the ten reasons that follow. Many families choose to homeschool their children because they want to:

The Sally Ride Legacy

ELDER GEORGE ON July 23, 2012 we learned that Sally Ride died. Sally was a scientist and the first American woman to travel in a space capsule; she hoped her activities would serve as an inspiration to all women. The Christian Science Monitor wrote, “Sally Ride, a physicist, proved that women could be equal partners with men in space.” Perhaps she proved that she could learn to do what men had done first. Something else that men do that Sally Ride also did is to marry a woman. The desire on the pa

Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling

Book: Dumbing Us Down: the Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling By JOHN TAYLOR GATTO Reviewed by Samuel L. Blumenfeld First Published The Blumenfeld Education Letter - May 1993 It Is Time to Try Something Different NO one in America today is better qualified to report on the true condition of our government education system than John Taylor Gatto, the now-famous educator who spent 26 years teaching in six different schools in New York City and quit because he could no longer take part in a s

Qura'nic Concept of Education and Our Education System

SYED JAWED ANWAR THE prevalent education system of the world (both of East and West) lowered the character of the people at the lowest and brought the world at its complete destruction. Human beings of the “modern world” are behaving worse than beasts. No other creature of the world ever harms its own flock. However, humans are ready to destroy and cleanse out their own races. There is something seriously faulty in the education system.

Generation Killers' "Pride" Parade

SYED JAWED ANWAR First Published in July 2011 in the Muslim on the eve of "Pride Day Parade" . AFTER his great grandfather had an intimate relationship with the woman who would become the grandson’s great grandmother, the grandfather was born. After the grandfather had an intimate relationship with the woman who would become the grandson’s grandmother, the father was born. The father had an intimate relationship with the would-be mother, and soon the son was born. Now, the son has a relationship w

Ontario' s Homosexual Curriculum and Bill 13: The Background with a Muslim Perspective

SYED JAWED ANWAR A LARGE number of Muslim community members living in North America considers building a Masjid as the greatest rewarding deed on this earth. They spent millions of dollars in building and hundreds of thousands of dollars in decorations and erecting high minarets. They spent hundreds of hours in volunteering for these Masajid. However, does any one of them ever think for a second whether the second or third generations would be able s to pray in these Masajid? A group of the Muslim commun

Pride Day or Shame Day?

Syed Jawed Anwar THE human race may be going to extinct soon on the path of “alternative lifestyles.” LGBTTIQ (gender apostate and sexual disoriented ), by denying their true physical sexuality are denying the reproduction of God’s most precious and the best creatures; the human beings.

Renaissance of the Masjid-Madrasah

By QAZI DR. SHEIKH ABBAS BORHANY THE word Madrasah is an Arabi word, which has its origin from the word Mudarris, and this comes from the root word of Daras, which means to enlighten or to teach. Therefore, Madrasah is a place of learning, with a similar meaning to that of school. Particularly it is similar to the Church missionary school.

Madrasah: The Intellectual History of Muslim India

This is a series of columns for the understanding of the history of centuries old Madrasah and Islamic Education System in South Asian perspective published in Muslims Weekly, New York, USA in a series of the weekly Column “Personal Notes in 2004.”

The Intellectual History and Education System in Muslim India

By JAWED ANWAR This is a series of columns for the understanding of the history of centuries old Madrasah and Islamic Education System in South Asian perspective published in Muslims Weekly, New York, USA in a series of the weekly Column “Personal Notes in 2004.”

William Dalrymple: The Madrasas of Delhi

William Dalrymple COLONEL William Sleeman, famous for his suppression of the Thugs and a leading critic of the administration of the Indian courts, had to admit that the Madrasa education given in Delhi was something quite remarkable: "Perhaps there are few communities in the world among whom education is more generally diffused than among Muhammadans [Muslims] in India," he wrote on a visit to the Mughal capital.

Madrasa 1: The Purpose of Education

JAWED ANWAR We, humankind, are the earthly viceroys of Allah. "And when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth (Al Quran-2: 30)." So if the viceroy is not well educated and highly knowledgeable and does not possess wisdom, what will happen to our governance on earth? So, as mentioned in Al Qur'an, everyone should be knowledgeable and educated.

Madrasa 2: The Priorities of Education

JAWED ANWAR IF you think about Greece, your first thoughts are of its highly reputable philosophers. However, during the hey-day of these great thinkers, they were regarded as anything but philosophers. These philosophers had not received any respect from their nation.


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