Yvonne Ridley Hollywood director Ethan and Joel Coen brought us a thought-provoking movie called No Country for Old Men and, as crime dramas go, it has been difficult to better since it premiered in January 2008 in the UK. The plot focusses on hunter Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) who stumbles across a huge cash find after a drug deal goes wrong. The temptation of easy money is too much and so steals the cash for himself thinking he can get away with the unexpected windfall.
By Syed Abul A'la Maududi (b.1903-d.1979) Foreword (by the author) OF all the conspiracies hatched against Islam in modern times, the most dangerous is a false claim to Prophethood made in the beginning of this century (20th century).
By Yvonne Ridley AMERICA under Donald Trump has come under intensive scrutiny when it comes to granting visas in the Arab and Muslim world, but it seems in Britain there's growing suspicion of an equally sinister ban being carried out.
By Elder George The Effect of Religion in Western Society The internet news media reported on July 20, 2017 that the Regensburger Domspatzen Catholic choir school in Germany had abused 547 students (mostly preschoolers) physically over a 60 year period. More than half of the complaints were incidents that occurred from 1960 to 1980 and more than 10% of the abuse was sexual.
Jawed Anwar I received an email from a person of Ms Kathleen Wynne Campaign team before 2011 Ontario Provincial election, Canada. It was for an “urgent meeting†called for Jumuah (Friday) prayer issue in Valley Park Middle School, East York (in Don Valley West Riding; Ms Wynne’s riding) created by a news published in a local Toronto newspaper.
By Syed Abul A'ala Maududi (Translated from the book "Seerat Sarwar e Aalam") We see in the Holy Quran that prophet after prophet came and called their people towards only one thing: “O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him.â€
By Yvonne Ridley WHILE Muslims are being banned from America on the basis of nationality in Europe we are being targeted by law for what we wear. The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Belgium's ban on face veils does not violate the European Convention on Human Rights.
THE primary purpose of all existence is to reproduce and preserve itself. Whatever other purposes might exist, they all depend on the propagation and preservation of the species. Humans have a high purpose consisting of spiritual enlightenment and eventual union with the creator, but this high calling cannot be accomplished if the race does not propagate and preserve itself.
Syed Jawed Anwar Story 1: A Muslim sister was crying when she called me a few days ago from Ottawa. Her daughter had left home and was living as a lesbian with another girl. She asked if there is any spiritual solution. Is it too late?
By YVONNE RIDLEY Many of you across The Pond will probably not know the full extent of Scotland's proud history defending and protecting minority groups targeted purely for their faith, skin colour or culture.
By ELDER GEORGE MAN’s inability to identify with a homogeneous whole represents his primary frustration with modern society. He does not feel that he belongs, instead he experiences a sense of aloneness in a world of self-centered and materially motivated people, a condition that begins with his lack of family orientation in childhood and continues through old age when put into senior citizens housing to await death.
Jawed Anwar Islam and Muslim nationalism are two different concepts and practices. People generally mess up these two different, complete and contradictory terms. Islam is a Deen (system of life) prescribed by all the Prophets and Messengers of Allah --from Adam to Muhammad (peace be upon all of them). Nationalism is a modern Western concept that is worshiping nation, state, race, color, or community, and its symbols.
Campaign Life Coalition is raising the alarm that parental rights are under new attack, this time by school boards defending "transgenderism" and gender confusion in students of any age behind their parents’ back.
Syed Jawed Anwar Allah mentions punishment and reason of punishment of Bani Israel (sons of Israel): And recall when a party of them said, 'Why do you admonish a people whom Allah is about to destroy or punish severely?' They said, 'We admonish them in order to be able to offer an excuse before Your Lord and in the hope that they will guard against disobedience.
Jawed Anwar In my previous column, I mentioned three main evils of our society (North America) and God’s responses (commandments). These three evils are: Shirk (partnering other gods with Allah). This is the master of all evils (shirk in all segments of life --political, social, economy, judicial, religious, cultural, etc.). Riba (transactions involving interest and usury). Act of nation of Lut (Lot) (homosexuality, LGBT culture).