Found 15 Posts

Denial of Quranic Guidance and the Earned Calamities
DR. FIROZ MAHBOOB KAMAL ISLAM’s glory doesn’t lie in the size of the geographical landmass or the number of Muslims, masajid, madrasas, minarets, Islamic arts, and other artifacts. These are not the markers of Muslims’ success.

Save Corona Patients! Bring Alternate Medicine In
Jawed Anwar AFTER the First World War (WWI), the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 (also known as Spanish Flu) infected 500 million people and killed 17 to 50 million people, possibly as high as 100 million

COVID in Canada! Can We Repent?
Jawed Anwar There are several deeds and sins of leaders and people; that extremely displease God,

COVID-19: Gigantic Western Pharma, Multi-billion-dollar Scam
We are entering an era of total control through electromagnetic fields (EMF), managed by the minions of the 0.1% and with 5G / 6G technology, where we, the remaining humans may have become mere tele-guided robots.

Do Not Curse the Coronavirus
Do Not Curse the Coronavirus, because it has returned the human being to its humanity. It returned back the humans towards the Creator, and to his Character.

News from Quran: A Creature from Earth will Speak
Al-Quran, Surah An-Naml (27), Ayat 82 says "When the verdict is given against them, We shall bring a creature out of the earth, which will tell them that people had no faith in Our revelations." (Translation of meaning: Abdul Haleem)

Sri Lankan Muslims Protest Rally at Toronto
Jawed Anwar Toronto: Sri Lankan United Muslim Community in Canada organizes a rally here today at Dundas Square area. Several hundred people; men, women and children gathered at the square to protest burning Muslim homes, businesses and place of worship in Sri Lanka.

Taqwa: the Only Recipe of Success
DR. FIROZ MAHBOOB KAMAL The most crucial issue Finding the right path towards paradise is the most crucial issue for a human. The ultimate success -both here and in the hereafter, entirely depends on it. And the failure takes one only to the eternal hellfire. It is also true, no man or woman can find guidance on his or her own.

Global Terrorism against the Muslims & the Consequence
DR. FIROZ MAHBOOB KAMAL The terrorizing war of the imperialists Terrorism has a precise dictionary meaning. It is the use of weapons to fill people’s minds with terror for political or monetary gain. The terrorizing power of a weapon depends directly and proportionately on its destructive power. So, the terror of a knife-wielding robber can’t match with the terror done with bombs, drones, missiles or nuclear bombs.

Thank You, Laura! Thank You, Islamophobe!
Jawed Anwar LAURA Loomer, an American woman from Arizona, crossed the Canadian border to protest against ICNA Canadian Muslims convention in Mississauga held at Thanksgiving weekend. She came to protest against two American speakers Imam Siraj Wahhaj (previously Jeffrey Kearse) and Linda Sarsour attending the conference.

Our Gay-friendly Islamic Leadership (4)
Syed Jawed Anwar In 2015 parents' campaign against radical sex-ed curriculum when these Imams came under fierce criticism, they issued a statement on sex-ed curriculum in which they tried to satisfy both government and the community. But they failed. They did not post this statement even to their own website.

Our Gay-friendly Islamic Leadership (3)
Syed Jawed Anwar After resignation of Dalton McGuinty, Liberal Premier of Ontario, the leadership election of Ontario Liberals was held in 2009. The majority of Muslim liberals voted for Kathleen Wynne. There were few candidates in the race who were adherents of traditional family values.

Our Gay-friendly Islamic Leadership (2)
WHEN John Godfrey announced his retirement from politics, the nomination election for the Liberal Party of Canada Don Valley West was held in 2008. Abdul Haq Ingar supported Rob Oliphant, an open gay, same-sex married and international gay activist. He opposed a Muslim nominee candidate Mohammad Ijaz (finished second).

Our Gay-friendly Islamic Leaderships(1)
A Gay Bible is now available for those who feel the need to have their gay lifestyle justified by Scriptures. Verses condemning homosexuality are now re-written gay friendly scripture. Similarly, things are changing so fast in the “Islamic†leadership that it is not beyond the comprehension that gay-friendly “shariah†might be developed soon.