Syed Jawed Anwar
WHEN John Godfrey announced his retirement from politics, the nomination election for the Liberal Party of Canada Don Valley West was held in 2008. Abdul Haq Ingar supported Rob Oliphant, an open gay, same-sex married and international gay activist. Mr. Ingar opposed a Muslim nominee candidate Mohammad Ijaz (finished second). Bearded Muslim men and burqa clad women were lined up against a bearded practicing Muslim brother Ijaz. It seemed that they all came to vote Ingar (a Masjid leader), not Oliphant.
After winning the nomination election, Mr. Oliphant thanked his (or her or whatever pronoun he prefers) husband first, and then he thanked Mr. Abdul Haq Ingar for his victory. This writer was present at that occasion.
In 2007 Ontario Provincial election, Mr. Ingar mobilized the Muslim community of Don Valley West for Kathleen Wynne, the first openly gay (lesbian) politician of Canada. It was her second Provincial election. Previously she was elected in 2003. She was Minister of Education of Ontario at that time (from 2006). She was campaigning in the Muslim community with “rainbow flag” on her car, openly announcing her lifestyle.
It was a clear indication how our public education system would be shaped in the future under the leadership of Kathleen.
John Tory was the PC leader and Candidate for MPP from the same Don Valley West riding. He promised to fund faith-based schools after he got elected. Of course, the Muslims and Islamic community would be direct beneficiaries of his platform. Furthermore, we all know that under his Premiership (PC Party), Ontario education couldn’t be corrupted and shaped liked this (current situation).
But Mr Ingar and his team fiercely opposed Tory and overwhelmingly supported Wynne. It was almost sure Wynne could not get elected if Muslim community didn’t support her in Don Valley West. Please note that it was PC favorable constituency before her first time elected in 2003.
Therefore, Mr. Ingar, with the support of Muslim community of Don Valley West, is directly responsible for Ontario radical sex-ed curriculum and the school system that promotes and indoctrinates gay lifestyle in kids. He and his team are also responsible for shunning the faith-based education funding program of Tory’s election platform. Mazhar Shafiq, contested June 2018 election for Liberal MPP from Scarborough Centre (lost the election and got third position), Ali Baig, and several other active liberal workers were behind Ingar and Wynne. They had one task --misguiding the community and voters.
They never felt regret for it. They proudly defended their wrong advice to the Muslim community. In reality, they are the main culprits. I believe Muslim politicians of Ontario having Liberal and NDP platforms are the worst people for our cause on social and educational agenda. Proof: Reza Moridi (born in Iran), Yasir Naqvi (born in Pakistan), and Shafiq Qaadri (born in USA, father emigrated from Pakistan) supported and endorsed all the gender-killing Ontario bills. Please note at least two Liberals of Christian faith opposed Bill 13 of Ontario Assembly in 2012, but not a single Muslim.
Mr. Ingar has been suspended from Islamic Society of Toronto (IST, Masjid Darussalam) few years ago on the allegations that he was using Masjid Property, involving Riba, for a personal cemetery business.
I don’t know in Islamic history that selling graves and buying cemetery can be any Muslim’s personal business. If you know please let me know.
(To be continued)
Syed Jawed Anwar can be reached at