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Is Ontario's Accepting Education Act (Bill 13) Neutral? Does it not Change the Curriculum?

Is Ontario's Accepting Education Act (Bill 13) Neutral? Does it not Change the Curriculum?


A MUSLIM from Scarborough told me that an Imam and Khateeb of a Masjid spoke in his khutba (sermon) last Jummuah (Friday) that the “Bill 13 (the new Ontario’s Accepting Education Act) is harmless; it is neutral and doesn’t change the curriculum.” Similar messages have been posted by some so-called “Islamic leaders” of GTA in different discussion forums/groups. The question should be asked, “Who told you and how did you know? How and why are you interpreting the bill differently from the government?  Did you read the “Accepting Education Act”? Do you know the meaning of code words like “inclusive,” change of “attitude,” and “behaviour,” and “alternative family,” etc? Do you know who comprises the education committee who made/and are making the curriculum? Do you know the agency who advised the curriculum and the agency that developed the curriculum? Do you know what “curriculum” means? Are you capable to decode the Bill and Act in its actual meaning? Can you define the meaning of “neutrality”?

If not, then is it not better to at least shut your mouth and not be involved in misguiding and confusing the Muslim community?” Why are you explaining the Bill or Act with the meaning that is not even explained by Ontario government and liberal media?

Islamic leaders must know that there is nothing “neutral” in this world. Either you are worshiping Almighty God, or worshipping Shaitan. “Neutrals” are hypocrites who are worshippers of Shaitan . They deserve the darkest and deepest part of hell.

“To the Hypocrites give the glad tidings that there is for them (but) a grievous penalty” (Al-Quran 4:138).

For Muslims and believers, Allah Almighty says in Quran, “Let there be a community among you who call to the good, and enjoin the right), and forbid the evil. They are the ones who have success.” (3:104) The Almighty says, “You (Muslims) are the best nation ever to be produced before mankind. You enjoin the right, forbid the wrong” (3:110).

However, we are witnessing here instead of enjoining the Maroof (good). Some Muslim leaders and Imams are openly enjoining Munkarat (evils) and using the sacred Mimbar of Masjid and Islamic platforms for this purpose.

The Liberal party members and “gatekeepers” of Islamic Centers, organizations and groups could play a role by advising Ontario Liberal Caucus not to bring Bill 13 and Bill 33 that is offensive to faith groups, and Muslims will never accept it. The vote-hungry Liberal party might listen to them. But these members didn’t do anything except show obedience to their party leaders. Having a “slave mentality,” they know only how to surrender to the “master’s wishes.” They have been given the task to make the poison “sweet” so that it can easily be swallowed through Muslim throats.  Ontario Muslim Parents! Check your “liberal” Imams and Leaders.

Bill 13 is not for “Anti Bullying Act.” It ignores the bullying caused by ethnic and religious ground (83% police reported hate crime in Canada-2009).The bill shows concern only to bullying of LGBTTIQ youth (13% police reported hate crime in Canada-2009). It is a biased act. Progressive Conservatives presented Bill 14 in Ontario Legislative Assembly that was a real anti-bullying bill. But Liberal-NDP has chosen Bill 13 that brought an education act that is in fact a Culture-shift mandate to embrace the homosexual agenda.


The Ministry revised the Curriculum through a third party and has created a curriculum document titled, Challenging Homophobia and Heterosexism – a K -12 Curriculum Resource Guide” which has 12 sample activities at each level integrating positive LGBTTIQ messaging into all subjects.

This document has 12 sample lessons at each level integrating positive LGBTTIQ messages throughout the K- Gr. 12 curriculum.

This document also tells teachers not to inform families of sensitive curriculum (pages 9 and 10).

The document is freely downloadable from the internet and referred-to at teacher training seminars held around the province – hence as a parent you are not aware of what your teacher is bringing into the classroom because the lessons are not available to you, unless you ask.

Some of the ideas include:

ï‚· Community units:  primary students will learn about alternative families

ï‚· Music Class : new songs in primary music class about alternative families, attending gay pride parades, etc

ï‚· Drama class:  students will be provided with LGBT themes to create skits and plays

ï‚· Pride week/parades in schools

ï‚· Drama class assignments portraying LGBT issues

ï‚· Math class problems will include alternative family situations

ï‚· Queer Hero strategy:  successful people from the various  academic disciplines who were homosexuals will have their  sexuality identified in class/curriculum materials. NOTE: this does not apply to successful heterosexuals.

TDSB documents of curriculum (it is in fact Ministry of Education document will apply to all Boards of Ontario).

I will request all Imams and Islamic/Muslim leaders of Ontario to read this document before making any statement and speech.

Challenging Homophobia and Heterosexism – a K -12 Curriculum Resource Guide

Then watch the two videos in the following link how teachers are trained and equipped with the new CURRICULUM.

Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools

Following is the excerpt from Phil Lees Presentation:

As the legislation is intended to, ‘encourage a positive school climate and prevent inappropriate behaviour, including bullying, sexual assault, gender based violence and incidents based on homophobia, transphobia or biphobia’.

How does a system teach that all sexual lifestyles are accepted, respected, and should be encouraged, without interfering with the traditional belief that sexual activity is best limited to monogamous, heterosexual relationships? Traditional faith communities believe this way for arguably, healthy reasons. The beliefs of the traditional faith groups are protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms – messaging that directly conflicts with the traditional beliefs of these families will lead to confusion in the minds of the child about what is right or wrong from their faith perspective.  These expectations, although consistent with the value to respect differences, often conflict with the traditional lifestyle teachings of the home, and may lead to confusion about what is right or wrong from that traditional belief perspective.

The first curriculum, revised in January 2010, was the Health and Physical Education.  In April 2010, Dalton McGuinty was forced to withdraw a radicalized Sex Ed curriculum for Ontario elementary schools:

ï‚· Gr. 1 (6-year-olds) learn about the sexual parts of the human body

 Gr. 3 would learn about homosexuality and “gender identity”

 10-year-olds were to learn that “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” cannot be changed

ï‚· 6th graders were to learn about masturbation and vaginal lubrication

 7th graders were to learn about “oral and anal intercourse”

At first, McGuinty defended the K-8 Sex Ed curriculum by claiming that his government had “consulted parents groups.”  Which parent groups would allow such harmful sex ed curriculum?  A close examination of the parties who had been “consulted” by the government reveals a collection of homosexual-activist lobby groups called the Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights in Ontario.  Do these gay lobby groups represent the values of the average Ontario parent?


The Ministry now revised the Curriculum through a third party. When the Ministry could not revise curriculum directly, they assigned the task to the TDSB (Toronto District School Board) that has created a curriculum document titled, “Challenging Homophobia and Heterosexism – a K to Graduation Curriculum Resource,” which has 12 sample activities at each level integrating positive LGBTTIQ messaging into all subjects.

[Syed Jawed Anwar can be reached at]



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