Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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The Miracles of Prophets -2
The Miracles of Prophets -2
17 May 2019
Views: 1045

(Al Quran 7:73) “And to Thamud, We sent forth their brother. Salih. He said to them: '0 my people! Serve Allah; you have no other god than Him. Truly there has come to you a clear proof from your Lord. This she-camel from Allah is a Divine portent for you. So leave her alone to pasture on Allah's earth, and touch her with no evil lest a painful chastisement should seize you.”

The Sealed Nectar
The Sealed Nectar
08 March 2019
Views: 1417

Book: The Sealed Nectar Author: Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri The Sealed Nectar is an English version of Ar-Raheeq-ul-Makhtum: a biography of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), written in Arabic and Urdu by Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri. Muhammad ï·º is the last/final Messenger (Prophet, Apostle) sent by Allah (God) to humanity for the Guidance.

Muhammad The Guide of Mankind
Muhammad The Guide of Mankind
08 March 2019
Views: 1335

Book: Muhammad The Guide of Mankind, English Version of Muhammad Arabi (Urdu) Author: Dr. M.E.S. Subhani Muhammad ï·º is the last/final Messenger (Prophet, Apostle) sent by Allah (God) to humanity for the Guidance.

Muhammad The Last Prophet a model for all time
Muhammad The Last Prophet a model for all time
08 March 2019
Views: 1229

Book: Muhammad The Last Prophet a model for all time Author: Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi Muhammad ï·º is the last/final Messenger (Prophet, Apostle) sent by Allah (God) to humanity for the Guidance.

Muhammad his life based on the earliest source
Muhammad his life based on the earliest source
08 March 2019
Views: 1209

Book: Muhammad his life based on the earliest sources Author: Martin Lings Muhammad ï·º is the last/final Messenger (Prophet, Apostle) sent by Allah (God) to humanity for the Guidance.

Muhammad (pbuh): The Benefactor of Humanity
Muhammad (pbuh): The Benefactor of Humanity
08 March 2019
Views: 2088

Book: Muhammad (p.b.u.h): The Benefactor of Humanity Author: Nayeem Siddiqi Translated from "Muhsin e Insaniat" (Urdu)

The Miracles of Prophets -1
The Miracles of Prophets -1
16 November 2018
Views: 968

MOSES was sent to Pharaoh to invite him to two things; first, to surrender himself to God (i.e. Islam); and second, to release the Israelites - who were already Muslims - from his oppressive bondage. The Qur'an refers occasionally to both these objectives, and occasionally confines itself to mentioning either of the two.

Messengers of Allah Being a Human Being- 2
Messengers of Allah Being a Human Being- 2
16 August 2018
Views: 955

We initiated your creation, then We gave you each a shape, and then We said to the angels: 'Prostrate before Adam.') . They all prostrated except Iblis: he was not one of those who fell Prostrate. (Al-Quran 7:11) These verses should he read in conjunction with (al-Baqarah 2: 30-9). The words in which the command to prostrate before Adam is mentioned may give rise to the misapprehension that it was Adam as such who is the object of prostration.

Messenger of Allah Being a Human Being-1
Messenger of Allah Being a Human Being-1
14 August 2018
Views: 1307

THE misunderstanding has always been common among the ignorant people of every age that a human being could not be a Messenger of Allah. They rejected a Messenger just because he was a human being and took his meals and had wife and children like themselves. In contrast to this, after the passage of the time the credulous followers of a Messenger began to claim that he was not a human being at all because he was a Messenger.

Leader of the World: A Common Heritage of Entire World
Leader of the World: A Common Heritage of Entire World
02 May 2018
Views: 954

By Syed Abul A'ala Maududi WE Muslims call Prophet Muhammadﷺ Sarwar-e-Alam, which means ـ "Leader of the World." In Urdu it is “Duniya ka Sardar”. In Hindi it's “Jagat Guru”. Although this title is a great honour, compared to his personality and achievements, the title still does not cover the great honour he deserves.

Rational Exoneration of the Prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh)
Rational Exoneration of the Prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh)
29 November 2017
Views: 969

[Translated from the book "Seerat e Sarwar e Aalam ﷺ", Chapter “The Importance of Prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh)", by Syed Abul A'la Maududi] For a while, close your body’s eyes and open your imaginary eyes, and turn back 1400 years back and see the condition of the world.

Seerah Conference 2017 by IONA Canada
Seerah Conference 2017 by IONA Canada
29 November 2017
Views: 1269

By Abu Saad THE month of Rabiul Awwal started and, with this, Seerah conferences started all over North America. This writer attended the first event of the year on the last day of Safar (one day before Rabiul Awwal), Nov 18, in Thorncliffe Park Banquet Center at Toronto. It was organized by Islamic Organization of North America (IONA), founded by late Dr. Israr Ahmed, great teacher and speaker of Quran (tafseer). The Amir of IONA, Imam Mustafa Elturk, key note speaker, visited from Michigan, USA.

Torah and Gospel: Revelation of the Advent of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)-The Leader of the World
Torah and Gospel: Revelation of the Advent of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)-The Leader of the World
01 November 2017
Views: 892

An Important saying of Jesus, peace be upon him; “And call to mind when Jesus, son of Mary, said: “O Children of Israel, I am Allah's Messenger to you, I verify the Torah which has come before me.” (Quran 61:6) This sentence has three meanings and all three are correct:

Signs of Prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.) in Quran: Some Important Points
Signs of Prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.) in Quran: Some Important Points
25 October 2017
Views: 1100

Quran Says; “(O Prophet), you did not recite any Book before, nor did you write it down with your hand; for then the votaries of falsehood would have had a cause for doubt. But it is a set of Clear Signs in the hearts of those who have been endowed with knowledge.” (29:48-49)

Biography of Muhammad (PBUH) By a Muslim
Biography of Muhammad (PBUH) By a Muslim
11 October 2017
Views: 995

By Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah, D. Phil., D. Litt. (9 February 1908 - 17 December 2002) IN the annals of men, individuals have not been lacking who conspicuously devoted their lives to the socio-religious reform of their connected peoples. We find them in every epoch and in all lands.