Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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Evidence of Prophet Muhammad's Prophethood
Evidence of Prophet Muhammad's Prophethood
01 April 2017
Views: 787

ALL prophets came with signs and evidences furnished by God to show that the prophets were truly who they claimed to be. Among these signs were miracles that defied the laws of nature and were witnessed by the people. Generally, miracles are experienced only by the people who were there when the miracles actually occurred. Allah, however, furnished Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with a miracle that would endure for all time. That miracle is the Qur'ân.

Shebe-Abi-Talib: Oppression of Quraish Arab
Shebe-Abi-Talib: Oppression of Quraish Arab
31 December 2016
Views: 856

THE exile of the entire clan of Banu Hashim, to which Prophet Mohammadï·º belonged, is the worst example of trials and tribulations faced by him and his Companions (R.A.). When the Quraish came to know that the Abyssinian Christian ruler Najashi welcomed the Muslim migrants from Makkah and was moved by the Dawah of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), they became sad as well as furious. They came down heavily on the Prophet and his Companions and even secretly planned to kill him. A pledge was taken that they would not

Muhammad [Pbuh] Changes the World
Muhammad [Pbuh] Changes the World
10 November 2016
Views: 1096

Shamim A Siddiqi This is the last hope of mankind to survive. Muhammad (S) is now the only leader for mankind to follow till eternity. Will the arrogant leadership of materialistic world see it through? The fate of humanity hinges on this fatal question. Will the good sense prevail over their obstinacy and the urgency of time over their hate against Islam and the benevolent life pattern of Muhammad Ibne Abdullah (pbuh)?

Humanity Needs Trusworthy Character On The Pattern Rasulullah (S) Made
Humanity Needs Trusworthy Character On The Pattern Rasulullah (S) Made
17 January 2010
Views: 773

HUMAN society has reached to the state of complete moral bankruptcy, especially after great global economic disaster of 2008-09. It needs men of character in every field of life to set its house in order and deliver goodness in each and every sector to make its abode worth living with dignity and honor.

Prophet Muhammad's Methodology of Revolution
Prophet Muhammad's Methodology of Revolution
31 December 2009
Views: 831

THE Quranic verses revealed on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) in the first thirteen years of prophethood in Makkah dwell heavily on one topic. Only the way of address, the syntax, style, and approach differed in accordance with the situation. According to the Qur’an, the Oneness and Unity of Allah and subordination of human beings before Him and the relationship between the two are the most central issue of this Deen (Way of life) called Islam. The very foundation of this faith depends on this s

Muhammad (s.a.w.): The only Hope of Mankind
Muhammad (s.a.w.): The only Hope of Mankind
29 December 2009
Views: 938

By SHAMIM A. SIDDIQI AT the end of sixth century AD, humanity had lost all the guidance that came from its Creator and Sustainer as how to live, act and behave on earth. There were no human rights anywhere in the world. Under the domination of both the superpowers of the time, the Roman and the Persian Empires, only the ruling class was enjoying rights and privileges. The common man had no rights worth and was treated as serfdom. Women were treated in Christianity as “untouchables.” Under the fold